The irony is too much!
Here we have anti-Bush protestors calling him a "terrorist", then turning around and terrorizing and vandalizing Mar Del Plata.
This stuff writes itself!
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Here we have anti-Bush protestors calling him a "terrorist", then turning around and terrorizing and vandalizing Mar Del Plata.
The riots in Paris are a direct result of the failure to assimilate the immigrant Muslim population.
Methinks that this will be my new phone.
Even though this watch by Fossil doesn't qualify as a gizmo, having Asteroids as a watch face is still so cool!
It's amazing just how two-faced these Islamists are.
And here I was thinking that Japanese cartoons were pushing the envelope in violence. This Iranian cartoon for children extolling the virtues of martyrdom is just sick.
Man, I respect Dat Nguyen so much. His perspective about football is nothing short of classy. His team spirit is something sorely lacking in professional sports today.
Iran will be processing more uranium at the Isfahan nuclear facility next week.
There are those on the right like Michelle Malkin who believe that Sen. Harry Reid's stunt to close the Senate session yesterday as nothing more than a temper tantrum, and that it will play badly with the public. I beg to differ. What really happened is that the Democrats were able to get their talking points across because regular people don't understand the traditional courtesies of the Senate and why exactly closing the session was a temper tantrum.
I'm so upset that FX's war drama 'Over There' has been discontinued.
Read this article from Theodore Dalrymple. Replace British Muslim with African-American. Then wonder why African-Americans, even though they too are disadvantaged, don't go around wanting to become martyrs against the decadent West.
The rioters in Paris are thugs and need to be put down as harshly as possible. The French authorities need to cordon off the area and move in to arrest all lawbreakers.
Check out this cool coffee mug!
The battle lines are already drawn for a huge fight for the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.
Man, Roberts's seat on the Supreme Court isn't even warm and Andrew Sullivan is calling him craven and will condone the Executive branch's powers "to detain without charge, to cover up its own actions, and to torture."
Because they fear it will encourage teen sex.
The Cowboys beat the Arizona Cardinals yesterday, 34-13.
And one of their ugliest faces.
What have we come to as a society where now we're starting to ban Halloween in our schools?
This is the weird thing about the whole Scooter Libby affair: if he was the sole leaker in this whole fiasco, why would he lie about his role (whether he was the source or he had heard it from reporters)? He would have no reason to protect the Vice President, since, as they both are officials that can speak about classified information (I'm not even stipulating that the identity of Valerie Plame was even classified at all) to each other, the Vice President is free pass along information to him with no legal consequence.
In one of the worst stories of dogs biting the hand that feeds them, three survivors of Hurricane Katrina and Rita are accused of strangling Betty Blair, a 77-year-old volunteer at a church that sheltered them. She had hired them to do work around her home.
Wow. This report from the Detroit News regarding the corrupt practices of Jackie L. Currie, the Detroit city clerk, is just appalling.
Too bad I'm not a paying member of NYT Select, but David Brooks writes a brilliant article arguing that the Democratic Party has become the party of paranoia.