Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oh, I thought they supported the troops!

But I guess the liberals in San Francisco are only showing their true colors when the city supervisors, due to the Iraq war, banned the USS Iowa from entering port to become a tourist attraction.

U.S. concedes ground to Islamists on Iraqi law

We cannot let Iraq turn into a theocracy like Iran. The Iraqis must respect secularism and equal rights for all. A democracy cannot survive when one segment of a population is deemed as inherently inferior to another.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Gas price blame game

It's typical of the Democrats to blame oil prices on U.S. oil companies instead of finding real solutions to the high price of gasoline. Indeed, some of the current situation is caused by their own policies, from the near impossibility of building new refineries to preventing new oil fields from being tapped. When you prevent supply from increasing and you prevent distributing power from increasing, you get higher gas prices as demand increases.

So what's a good Democrat to do? Scapegoat industry!

Climate change sceptics bet $10,000 on cooler world

Cool! Geek bets!

Rockets hit Jordan, Israel ports

Yes, it's a good sign that the Islamists truly want the Gaza project to succeed when they fire rockets at Israeli, Jordanian, and US targets.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

More Wacko Cindy

I can't get enough of Wacko Cindy.

Looks like she lives in the deep end.

Go figure

You mean liberals like Al Franken and his cronies at Air America don't really care about the elderly and the young?

Nooo, you don't say!

Library Missing Roberts File

Oooh! Do the Democrats smell conspiracy?

Channeling Sandy Berger!

State Dept. Says It Warned About bin Laden in 1996 - New York Times


Another terrible indictment of the incompetency of the "feel-good" Clinton administration to protect us at home.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Now we play the waiting game

Now that the Israelis have begun to vacate the Gaza strip, it is now up to the Palestinians to show that they can respond with peace. This is the ultimate litmus test.

As for myself, I have no illusions regarding the civility of the terrorists among the Palestinians. I fully expect them to continue their violent ways.

I also think that the Israeli government is playing a good game here. I believe that they're waiting to see what happens with the Palestinian attempt at self-governance. If violence against Israel continues, Israel will simply say, "See? We told you that they don't ever want peace with us." Then, with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip isolated, Israel will be able to punish the Palestinians with impunity.

UPDATE: Seems like Gloria Salt is thinking along the same lines.

Beefed Up Border Pledged

Oho! It seems like Democrats are getting tough on illegal immigration!

Good for them...if they're serious. Like Republicans, they often say one thing and do another, especially since the Hispanic vote is so important.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Kudos to the Australian imams

Who told one of their own, Sheik Mohammad Omran, to "shut up" after his comments that Americans were behind 9/11 and that Muslims weren't responsible for the London bombings.

They also told him that "if you don't like it here, no one forces you to stay."

Right on.

Michael Fumento: Bochco's Botched and Biased "Over There"

Wow, seems like Michael Fumento has gone off the deep end criticizing Steven Bochco's brilliant series 'Over There'.

I'm all for America's intervention in Iraq, but I'm not some wingnut guy always looking out for perceived criticisms of the war effort, like Michael is. I mean, anyone who thinks that a pair of legs walking forward after the torso is blown away is some kind of metaphor for terrorist "invicibilty" is gotta be losing it.

Who woulda thought Cindy Sheehan's wacko

And an anti-Semite? Not even her surviving son supports her actions now.

She's irrelevant now, a raving lunatic who's dishonoring her son. There, I said it, and I'm not ashamed.