Friday, June 15, 2007

UPDATE: Liberal bloggers lied for Harry Reid!

In order to cover for Harry Reid calling Gens. Pace and Petraeus 'incompetent', liberal bloggers attending the teleconference in which Reid uttered those remarks lied in saying that they didn't remember Reid saying such things.

Wow. Just goes to show how much you can trust the nutroots to tell the truth.

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Schwarzenegger: Turn Off Spanish TV

Apparently, when Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is himself an immigrant, proposed that Hispanics wishing to integrate faster turn off Spanish TV, there were those who found him "naive":
"I'm sitting shaking my head not believing that someone would be so naive and out of it that he would say something like that," said Alex Nogales, president and chief executive of the National Hispanic Media Coalition.

Hispanic immigrants need Spanish-language media to stay informed and "function in this society," Nogales said.
Well, I don't know, Mr. Nogales. Maybe it's just me, but when your ethnic peoples as a whole are doing themselves justice academically with Spanish TV, perhaps it's time to try something else, eh?

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Michelle Malkin: The $4.4 billion grand ruse

Michelle Malkin is on the job illustrating just how underhanded President Bush and the 'Grand Bargainers' are in trying to get the Amnesty Bill passed.

Harry Reid calls Gen. Pace, Petraeus 'incompetent

Follow Captain's Quarters for a roundup.

The Democrats are their own worst enemy.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Broward may cancel deal with radio station because it airs Rush Limbaugh: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

The article says it all. Broward County is considering ending a hurricane broadcast deal with a radio station because it airs Rush Limbaugh!

Risking people's lives because of partisanship. That's the Democratic way!

Iraq surge a failure, top Democrats tell Bush

The Democratic 'leaders', Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are disingenuous assholes.

They sent a letter to President Bush informing him that the surge was a failure. This is their reasoning:
The unsettling reality is that instances of violence against Iraqis remain high and attacks on US forces have increased.

"In fact, the last two months of the war were the deadliest to date for US troops.
Idiot. If you have more troops in a small area, of course there will be higher numbers of attacks and relatively more deaths. My contempt for Reid has no bounds. The Democrats are willing to accept genocide when the U.S. ends major security operations. Their moral emptiness knows no bounds.

"Bring[ing] the war to a responsible end", indeed.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Government e-mails show little help from TB patient's family -

More evidence that Andrew Speaker, the lawyer who knowingly disregarded a quarantine order while in Europe, should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. His relatives don't seem to be cast in a good light, either.

At the very least, I hope he's ruined with civil suits. Now that would be ironic.

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NPR : Fatah, Hamas Battle in Gaza Threatens Government

Sounds like a civil war to me.

GOP senator to Bush: 'Back off' on ailing immigration bill -

A Dog Bites Man story when the Democrats asked President Bush for "'stronger leadership' from the White House to 'ensure the opponents of the bill do not block the path to final passage.'"
