Talk about hyper
Boy, with the hysterical responses from the Democrats after George Bush commented on the DeLay proceedings, you'd think that the Democrats had finally lost it.
Oh, yeah. They have.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Boy, with the hysterical responses from the Democrats after George Bush commented on the DeLay proceedings, you'd think that the Democrats had finally lost it.
You don't get to read stories like this on the front page of the NYT.
It seems that Arnold Schwarzenegger has been stabbed in the back by his hometown, Graz, when they voted to rename the Arnold Schwarzenegger Football Stadium over his approval of the execution of Stanley "Tookie" Williams.
Here's a roundup of blogging on the Iraq elections, courtesy of Michelle Malkin.
Looks like Kanye West and those like him can shut the hell up about the federal government ignoring only black people during and following Katrina.
To David Edelstein of Slate who notes the "implicit racism of KING KONG - the implication that Kong stands for the black man brought in chains from a dark island (full of murderous primitive pagans) and with a penchant for skinny white blondes": Get a life.
A little strong with her words, but Betty Dawisha, an Iraqi voting in America, voices her sentiments about those opposed to the liberation of Iraq quite clearly.
I suppose those with inferiority complexes must sometimes need to feel better about themselves once in awhile.
It seems that, not surprisingly, that Iran is trying to rig the Iraqi parliamentary elections. One more reason why I think that Iran should be the next to go. But, then again, Syria is looking pretty attractive these days.
When more than 1000 Iraqi Sunni clerics issued fatwas urging people to vote, it's another big step in the right direction for the future of the democracy project in Iraq.
Joe Lieberman is being attacked by his own party for his support of the war effort in Iraq: a position he has held since Persian Gulf War in 1991. It's so sad to see the Democrats reduced to becoming a pack of wild animals will to tear each other down because of insane Bush-hatred. Though I've disagreed with Lieberman's positions on morality in our media, he's always been a stand-up principled senator and one of the few Democrats I'd consider voting for President. The money quote that frames his troubles:
"Senator Lieberman is past the point of being taken seriously in the caucus because everything he does is seen as advancing his own self-interest, instead of the Democratic interest," said a senior Senate Democratic aide, who described discontent in that chamber as "widespread."
It looks like Israel is readying a strike against Iran around March at the earliest. It seems to beat my timetable by around 6 months, but I expect that the actual date will be closer to what I predict.