Friday, May 18, 2007

Murtha accused of rules violation -

But the Democrats were supposed to be the Party of Ethics!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Unity Fractures as Palestinians Battle in Gaza - New York Times

Is it really a 'unity government' when both parties are killing each other?

As an aside, I love the accompanying photo with the caption 'Palestinians searching for survivors after an Israeli missile strike on a building in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip today.' And that illustrates the article how?

New Demographic Racial Gap Emerges - New York Times


However, what's interesting about the article is the following clip:
Dr. Mather said the three most homogeneous states — Maine, Vermont and West Virginia — spent the highest proportion of their gross state product on public education.

“There does seem to be a correlation,” he said.

John B. Diamond, a professor of education at Harvard, said that “there are patterns of school funding that suggest that may be a problem down the line.” But he also said the impact might be mitigated by two factors. Because of persistent residential segregation, he said, elderly white voters do not necessarily live in the same school districts as young members of minorities. And, altruism aside, older voters may be persuaded that their pensions and other benefits depend on the income and taxes generated by a better-educated work force.
I don't know what to make of this. Is the NYT implying that states dominated by whites care more about education than others?

Russia accused of unleashing cyberwar to disable Estonia

From Russia, With Love?

Russia is accused of getting all techno in possibly taking a political dispute with Estonia into cyberspace. The Russian Bear is stirring in its slumber.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Michelle Malkin: Liveblogging: The South Carolina debate is on - Video links adds, post-mortem reax

Michelle Malkin: Liveblogging: The South Carolina debate is on - Video links adds, post-mortem reax

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Congress disliked more than Bush


Monday, May 14, 2007

Andrew Sullivan: Hypocrite

Yet more evidence that Andrew Sullivan is a hack and hypocrite.

John Edwards's advice

This is how John Edwards wants you to be patriotic, liberal slaves!

Happy belated Mother's Day, mom

I know it's a day late, mom, but wherever you are, I love you very much.
