Saturday, October 21, 2006

SC: Photo ID law in AZ can go forward

In a bit of welcome news, the Supreme Court has upheld Arizona's election law valid ID in order to vote.

People crying "Jim Crow" can just shove it. With proper notification, it's very easy for citizens to acquire legal identification, while at the same time fighting voter fraud.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's about social engineering

As a physical security engineer, it's been my experience that security lapses occur not so much with the actual security system as with those use that system.

Random screenings of airport employees is a good first step to reducing the human factor in security.

Letting go of the past

Jesus, why do liberals always feel the need to apologize for something?

Slavery is wrong, but I'm not about to apologize for something that happened generations ago. Get a grip.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sick bastards

The 'progressive Left' are just a bunch of sick bastards.


Andrew Sullivan has more.


Bangladesh is one screwed up country.