Friday, December 10, 2004

Yay, rain!

So I'm back to posting today. Good news is that I have a second date in the works with the girl that I like. I think she's into me, as I am into her. So, the only thing I have to worry about is just being me. December is certainly becoming a month of change, both for good and bad.

Anyway, on to the news. For some good news for Republicans, MoveOn (ironic, isn't it?) has declared that they the Democratic party due to their ability to raise enormous amounts of money for attack ads bashing George W. Bush. I say, go for it. MoveOn is simply clueless and completely out of touch with reality. The farther left MoveOn pushes the party, the better it will be for the Republicans, who are able to increasingly sway minorities into voting for them.

In a second bit of news, it seems as if it's the liberals who are the intellectual intolerants. Instead of voting on Jack Goldsmith's qualifications on being a tenured professor at Harvard, several professors voted against him because of his political leanings. If that isn't intellectual Nazism, I don't know what is. Just who are the goose-steppers, anyway?

Monday, December 06, 2004


Who writes this stuff? Can you imagine a U.S. newspaper essentially writing a piece that has no other purpose than to insult Australians? It's absolutely criminal!

Oh, no wait. Those are the Australians.

My bad.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

7 days a week

I'm so tired right now. Working 7 days a week certainly is taking its toll.

Anyway, I think I'll call Kristen in a couple of days. Maybe she'd be up for having drinks. Maybe at the Enormous Room? Or maybe somewhere in Davis Square? I dunno. We'll see.