Saturday, February 05, 2005

Thrown under the bus

Today really sucked. My boss called me and asked if I was just hanging around, as if I werent't doing anything.

To give some context, I'm now working at Logan airport. I'm supposed to do commissioning to make sure our hardware is working with our software. Needless to say, the only way I do work is if the other two phases, the software and the hardware, are complete. Today, neither had made much progress, which consequently meant that I didn't have too much to do, other than the work I thought up myself. Somehow, one of three people who didn't understand my situation complained to my boss, who consequently chastised me unjustly.

When I realized this, I was completely floored. My trust in my coworkers completely went out the window. I'm now completely paranoid that my coworkers are attempting to railroad me, and that's not a good culture to foster. If my coworkers had a problem with me, I'd have at least thought that they would have the courage to confront me first before stabbing me in the back. It's pathetic.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

First episode

Tonight on Cartoon Network is the first episode ever of Futurama. Cool!

It's weird to hear the difference in voices as the show progressed.

Silencing speech

Is this what we will allow these thugs and murderers to do to us?

We must fight back and crush the Islamists.


It turns out that the supposed captured U.S. soldier was a G.I. Joe action figure!

These guys are pathetic.

Monday, January 31, 2005

Up is down

And good is bad.

More evidence of the sorry state of liberals.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

The Time Traveler's Wife

So I just finished Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife. For a "romance" novel, it had enough sci-fi aspects to keep me hooked. Following the linear story from the perspective of Clare was as complex as following Henry's non-linear storyline, which is odd, given that we are linear beings. Pieces of puzzles from the past fell into place in the present, and vice versa.

All in all, an excellent read that was enthralling virtually from start to finish.

Reason #1,034,203 that Kerry lost

Statements like these show why Kerry lost the election. Beyond what is quoted in Reuters, Kerry goes on to question how the vote could be legitimate when sections of Iraq cannot vote.

Unbelievable. Is this what the Democrats are about? Nothing but cynicism. Maybe they really do want the Iraqis under Saddam's control again.