Saturday, August 12, 2006

Israeli PM accept U.N. resolution over Lebanon

Ehud Olmert has the U.N. resolution for a cease-fire in Lebanon.

Michelle Malkin is not pleased.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Islamists were prevented from carrying out a coordinated bombing of airliners yesterday.

I wonder what the Kos Kidz think of that? Oh yeah, I guess that answer is obvious. With those guys, if it hadn't been stopped it'd be, "It's a conspiracy!"

No win with those nuts.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Anderson Cooper gets it

Anderson Cooper gets that Hezbollah is just a propaganda machine.

Via Instapundit.

Sullivan is an a**hole

I don't know about you, but this post about Joe Lieberman by Andrew Sullivan reveals to me, that, at the heart of things, Sullivan is a right a**hole.

It's pathetic that Sullivan essentially has adopted the Kosian swill: that a guy, whom I've always thought would be one of the few Democrats I'd vote for, should be reduced to his stance on the War on Terror. Forget everything else that he's done or stands for, vote him out if he even sounds like he supports Iraq.

Sullivan's piece focuses on that, too. Screw everything that's good about Lieberman, Sullivan's not crying any tears because of Lieberman's position on the War.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More photographic fakery

Read this post about staged photos coming from stringers covering the Lebanon/Israel conflict.

Anything coming from those guys should be suspect.

This, apparently, is what a car actually looks like when hit by a missile.

Lieberman vs. Lamont

Just read the article and voter opinions about Joe Lieberman. Do the Lamont supporters sound like retards or what?

Monday, August 07, 2006

News from the Middle East

When you read absurd corrections like this from the mouth of the Lebanese PM in regards to a supposed 'massacre' in Houla, Lebanon, and then you read about this, this, this, and this, you can't help but get the impression that you can't believe anything you read or see coming from the Middle East.