Friday, February 24, 2006

Harvard faculty, students differ over Summers

An indication that the Harvard faculty is losing it: their message to the majority of undergraduate students who did not want Harvard President Larry Summers to resign. In short, the faculty thinks that you're too lazy, stupid, poor, or indifferent to completely agree with the faculty's position. In fact, you're American, as if that were a bad thing.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

German court convicts man for insulting Islam

I guess we can throw the whole "Europe is more enlightened" canard right out the window, eh?

I hope America never gets to that level of "enlightenment".

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Larry Summers has resigned

So sad. It's tough to see a good president fall to the machinations of the radical left Faculty of the Arts and Sciences.

As Alan Dershowitz said, "free speech for me but not for thee!"

My dream loft

Now the question is, where would I put it?

Furor Over Cartoons Pits Muslim Against Muslim - New York Times

Now the question is: why was Jihad Momani, a jailed Jordanian journalist for the paper, Shihan, brave enough to show the Mohammed cartoons and write about them, but the American media behaves like a bunch of cowards? You'd think that he'd risk offending slightly more Muslims than we would. Money quote:
Mr. Momani expressed exasperation when asked why he printed the cartoons. He insisted that it was the work of journalists to inform, and that he did so after speaking to many people who were outraged without ever seeing the cartoons.

Would our journalists be so brave.

Poll: Youths Back N. Korea if Attacked

What a crazy world it is when almost half of South Koreans aged 17-23 would North Korea in a conflict between the Communist nation and South Korea.

It's refreshing to see that a country defended from Communist oppression is so grateful to us. Maybe we should give them what they want and leave. Then they can share in the utopia of their fellow North Koreans across the DMZ.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The Race Card strikes again

You know, I never knew that the management of a zoo could be at the center of another shameless playing of the race card by a black Detroit city council woman.


Hillary bids to stop port takeovers

Can the Democrats get a consistent message for once? First, they say that they're our friends. Then, they think that they're a national security risk.

Well, which one is it?


Read this. It seems like the most informative article that I've read to date, and it basically says two things: one, the brouhaha by the mostly Democratic opposition is a canard and is only being used to burnish their pathetic national security record, and two, more transparency is needed to show that this deal won't hurt national security at all.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Iran denies wanting to "wipe Israel off the map"

Uh-huh. Right.


America frees Afghanistan from the grips of the Taliban, and this is the gratitude we receive? Afghani students shouting "Death to America" and threatening to join al Qaeda over the Mohammed cartoons? American wasn't even involved in the controversy!

It saddens me to hear about this. I want to hope that these students were not serious, and the lack of violence during the protest is encouraging news, but news like this shows that there is a long way to go for even Afghanistan.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Let Iran have nukes

Those are the paraphrased words of Mohamed ElBaradei, the so-called nuclear watchdog chief of the U.N.

Pathetic. That's the U.N. for you: negotiate until the enemy has what it wants.

Not surprising

I suppose it's not surprising anymore the level of savagery radical Muslims can descend to, but it's sad to hear Karen Hughes grovel at the feet of the Islamists:
At the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha, Qatar, U.S. Undersecretary of State Karen Hughes said U.S. newspapers generally did not reprint the caricatures "because they recognize they are deeply offensive, even blasphemous to the precious convictions of our Muslim friends and neighbors."
