Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ted K. to quit club that bans women

Kettle. Pot. Black.

U.S. Wins Support In Iran Dispute

Now, Iran is threatening to destabilize oil prices if the nuclear issue is referred to the U.N. Security Council. I don't know what they're worried about really, since all that means is more talk and no action.

Bad, bad Iran! You've been a really naughty boy!

Well, in the long run, if Iran continues to threaten us, we'll just invade them and take their oil by force.

Controversial Words At Sharpton's MLK Event

It seems like the race card players are at it again. Even on a day where we're supposed to be honoring a man who wanted peaceful change, we get crazy people playing politics. Take Hillary Clinton, nominally a centrist Democrat, who revealed her true colors by describing the House of Representatives as being "run like a plantation."

Disgusting. I used to think that she had a shot at winning the Presidency, and, among the Democrats, save Joe Lieberman, would be someone I'd actually vote for. No more. Now, she's nothing more than a race-baiting fraud to me, and I despise race-baiters more than anything else.


Seems like Newt Gingrich said much the same thing back in 1994. I would posit that situation as much different. He wasn't speaking in front of a black crowd. His intention wasn't to race-bait, by which I mean to appeal to racism of the listener. It was crude and uncalled for, much like describing situations using the Holocaust or Soviet gulags as a comparator, but not race-baiting.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Senators: Military last option on Iran

Wow, the other day, Dianne Feinstein takes the appropriate stand on the Supreme Court nomination of Samuel Alito, and today takes another appropriate stand against Iran by saying that it's not "a stretch to say that, if the Iranians had a nuclear missile, that this president might well use it against Israel.".

Wow, are some Democrats finally getting it?

An incredible dream

I had an extrememly vivid dream last night. There was a field of tall green grass, swaying in the wind. The sky was surreally sunny, but it had that weird look the sky sometimes has when it's about to storm. A spray of water came over a hill and the field was soon flooded with clear water. I remember somehow swimming or bobbing in the flooded field when, suddenly, large beasts started to roam towards the new lake. Some looked like large silver gorillas and others, gigantic walruses. They all went to the edge of the water and began drinking peacefully. As I swam, my feet were tickled by the whiskers of seals swimming beneath the water. At that moment, I woke up.

How sad.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Feinstein Warns Against Alito Filibuster

It seems that Senator Feinstein understand that to oppose Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court based on ideology alone is a dangerous road to go down. She readily admits that Alito is more than qualified to sit on the Supreme Court regardless of his ideology.

Good for her.

Peyton Manning chokes

Peyton chokes yet again, this time against the Steelers 21-18. I was rooting for the guy to not turn into another Dan Marino. Peyton is by far and away the second best QB ever to play the game, and he'll continue to be only second best until he wins the Super Bowl. However, his window is closing if not closed in Indianapolis. I feel sorry for the guy.

Wired News: Wound Up Over Windmills

That's the problem with people these days. They complain about being dependent on foreign oil, but once someone suggests a clean and essentially free alternative like wind power, they scream NIMBY!

I hate people sometimes.

'Divine mission' driving Iran's new leader

OK, hey, so the Euros are trying to negotiate with a guy that thinks he's supposed to help along the Apocalypse?


Clooney: I ruined Kerry's presidential race

Wow, is George Clooney arrogant or what?