Islam Likely Main Basis for Iraqi Law
This doesn't bode well for the future of Iraq, but it is their choice to make.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
This doesn't bode well for the future of Iraq, but it is their choice to make.
Condelezza Rice is a woman who can kick butt and take names. The bit about Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker spilling coffee into Javier Solana's lap after Rice threatened Europe with retribution should it lift the arms ban with China is an instant classic.
It's amazing that France patting itself on the back for helping out its former colony and excorciating the world for not doing the same.
From Gizmodo, good news about the Xbox 360. It really needed the HD-DVD capability, but it seems to me that Microsoft should implement it right away, as it might hurt critical initial sales. I, for one, would delay getting the new Xbox until it had HD-DVD.
Saree Makdisi, professor of English, is a shining example of the disgusting moral desolation of the apologists, writing in the LA Times that terrorism is A-OK.
Could it be that the 'doctor' who suggested that spit could bring on AIDS be trying to restore his credibility?
Seems like another Pope is selling out the Jews again.
According to Drudge, Helen Thomas, a reporter, threatened to kill herself if Dick Cheney runs for President.
CAFTA passed in the House by two votes. Though many Republicans opposed it, fortunately, capitalism triumphed.
It's interesting that one of the first bold steps against terrorism by a major Muslim group comes from U.S. Muslims. They call upon Muslims fight against terrorism by helping authorities against militants.
Youssef Ibrahim tells it like it is, writing that Muslims that believe that they are winning a so-called jihad are deluding themselves if they think that killing other Muslims will help.
This does not bode well for the London authorities, and it will not bode well for Tony Blair. I wonder what other details will emerge, one way or the other.
From WaPo, bad news regarding the shuttle Discovery launch. It turns out that pieces of foam insulation fell away from the external fuel tank. This unfortunate occurence caused NASA to ground future flights.
Christina Elwell's lawsuit against Google for alleged job discrimination because of her pregnancy certainly takes the sheen off of Google's 'do-gooder' image.
London police had found 12 bombs and 4 detonators in a trunk of a car rented by the terrorist Shehzad Tanweer who killed himself during the July 7 attacks, indicating that there were more attacks to come. Fortunately, the London police seized the car before anything else could happen.
My first business trip to DC turned out to be a complete disaster. I had a couple of delays with our subcontractor that forced me to push back my return flight from 4:30 to 7. Once I got there, my second flight was canceled due to weather, with my third attempt not leaving until 10PM. Then, also due to weather, that flight was delayed to midnight. When the plane finally arrived from Boston, there were only three people that deplaned. I didn't get home til almost 2. By that time, I was awake for 23 hours. Ughh.
Can I just say that the Motorola Q is in the running for my next gadget, along with the Nokia N90, but not before the X41T.
It turns out that 2 of the July 21 bombing suspects immigrated to Britain as political refugees.
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex is probably the best cartoon on basic cable, bar none. It has one of the best soundtracks on TV, too. Everyone should check it out.
Kenneth Pollack of the Brookings Institution makes a sensible assessment of the situation in Iraq. Basically, he's calling for American forces to, instead of conducting offensive operations, secure areas inside Iraq where civilians would feel safe. Then, over time and simultaneous to an increasing indigenous security force, civilians would become happier and more productive and more willing to assist in defeating terrorists. This is all contigent on having enough troops, something he claims that we do not have.
Publius Pundit further exposes just how much of a joke Amnesty International has become.
Seems like Benedict forgot about Israel when listing countries suffering from terrorist attack. It's like forgetting the eggs while making an omelet.
So this is why J-Lo is so popular despite putting out crappy music. Seems like the music companies were involved in payola schemes: paying radio stations to play music in order to boost ratings. Instead of playing music because it's good, radio stations were paid to play music that the music companies wanted to promote in order to increase record sales.
Went to Singing Beach up in Manchester-by-the-Sea this weekend with several friends. It was an absolutely perfect day with weather in the low 80s and sunny. Let me tell you, getting a tan and doing absolutely nothing for 4 hours is tough work! And to top it all off, I had a milkshake (my first in at least a year) at Captain Dusty's. Dinner was to be had at Kowloon. What a great day!
Oh, the irony! Cynthia Papageorge is suing Mothers Work Inc., a maternity clothing retailer, for firing her because she was pregnant! Her supervisor, Jan Dowe, is also suing Mothers Work, claiming that she was fired in part for refusing to fire Papageorge.
Congratulations to Lance Armstrong for his 7th Tour win. Although this is a record for him, records are made to be broken. Not being an avid follower of cycling (I don't even own a bike), is there anyone on the horizon who can achieve the monumental task of supplanting Armstrong?
In the running for the stupidest resolution in history is Alabama's resolution asking Alabama residents to boycott Aruba. What else could you ask Aruba to do to find Natalee Holloway? The Aruban government gave all its citizens a day off to help locate Holloway and had F-16s fly over the island to help. I don't think Alabama would do the same if an Aruban were to go missing. Not that anyone would even want to visit Alabama. If I were Aruba, I would stop the investigation in retaliation.
You wear a heavy coat in the summer, you run from the police after they call for you to stop, you jump a turnstile to get onto a train a day after 3 failed train bombings and a failed bus bombing, you pay the price. To give an excuse that he had lived in a high crime area is not an excuse at all. It's a tragedy that de Menezes was killed by the police, but it is not their fault.