Saturday, July 09, 2005

A must read

Irshad Manji speaks a truth that the lefties keep on trying to deny: that the Islamists don't need any excuses to wish to destroy the Western world.

British Muslims respond to the terror attacks

Until the day Muslims start turning in those they know as extremists, until the day they start speaking out against Osama bin Laden and other Islamists instead of denying the truth, they will always be under suspicion.

Cry me a river

Extra, extra! Africa aid groups bitch because they get $50 billion by 2010!

If I were a beggar, I'd be happy that I didn't get absolutely nothing. These guys should just shut up and enjoy the $50 billion scraps that they're getting.

While it appears that many developed nations levy tariffs on improved goods, thus keeping African nations from developing their own industrial base, such a negative and hostile reaction does aid groups no good.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Tom Friedman's wisdom

Tom Friedman, so often the voice of reason, calls out Muslims, daring them to face the truth that they've got members within themselves that are part of a death cult.

Is Katie Holmes an empty shell?

I just don't understand how Katie Holmes can appear to be such a mental midget. You don't get into Columbia and give such intellectually vacuous interviews. I must believe that she's faking it her relationship with Tom Cruise, and that she hasn't been taken in by Scientology. Please, Katie, let that be true.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

For those who have lost perspective

For those who have lost perspective between right and wrong, and good and evil, here's a list of what terrorists do.

The terrorists are not to blame!

This is exactly why the Democrats have lost touch with America. Blaming Bush for the sick terrorists that killed dozens of people today in London??? Republicans may be in the thrall of the religious nutjobs, but the Democrats are in the thrall of people who celebrate death. They are in the thrall of a bunch of hooligans that revel in Schadenfreude. Disgusting.

Via Powerline.


Just glancing at the first 10 posts of WaPo's forum dedicated to the London blasts shows that the lefty moonbats are on the loose. It's amazing that the condemnations for the bombings aren't directed towards the terrorist scum that perpetrated today's heinous acts, but to Bush and Blair. This is the moral vacuousness of the Left these days. Their passion for moral relativism paralyzes their ability to discern right from wrong. I wonder if they'd be the kind of people that would blame society if their own children were murdered.

Early conspiracy theories

It didn't take long for the early conspiracy articles to rear their ugly heads. I'm sure anti-Semites everywhere will be using this article about British warnings to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu about possible terror attacks to claim that the Jews were behind today's shocking terrorist attacks against England.

Solidarity against terror

To our steadfast British friends, we are with you.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

This is too much

This Muslim New Zealand MP shows his true colors, advocating the stoning of long as they're not living in New Zealand.

Talk about mental contortions.

Back from the Big Apple

Back from NYC over the 4th of July weekend. I visited a great friend of mine I've known since 1st grade. I am so blessed to have been friends with someone for so long.

Great times with much eating and drinking. Oh, and walking. And checking out women with women checking me out, too, which was a pleasant surprise.