Friday, March 31, 2006

Stockholm syndrome

Jill Carroll, a reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, was released yesterday by her kidnappers after being held for 82 days after being abducted in Iraq.

In a statement, she said that "it's important people know that I was not harmed."

With all due respect, Jill, but thanks for not remembering the Iraqi translator that was killed during the course of your kidnapping. Stockholm syndrome, anyone?


ABC News has a transcript of an interview of Jill Carroll by her captors just before she was released. Here's an excerpt:
Voice: Do you have a message for Mr. Bush?

Carroll: (Laughs)Yeah, he needs to stop this war. He knows this war is wrong. He knows that it was illegal from the very beginning. He knows that it was built on a mountain of lies and I think he needs to finally admit that to the American people and make the troops go home and he doesn't care about his own people. He doesn't care about the people here in Iraq, he needs to wake up and the people of America need to wake up and tell that what he's done here is wrong and so hopefully this time he can get the message that this war was wrong and the continuing occupation is wrong adn he could change his policies. He's dangerous for Iraq. He's dangerous for America. He needs to accept that and admit that to people.

Voice: Do you think the Mujahedeen will win against the American Army?

Carroll: Oh definitely. Things are very clear to see even now they're already winning. Everyday there are soldiers killed. Everyday humvees are blown up. Helicopters are shot down from the skies. Everyday, it's very clear that the Mujahedeen have the skills and the ability and the desire and the good reasons to fight that'll make them ensure that they will win.

She has a lot to answer for. I hope that she will come out and say that she was saying these things under duress, and that would be completely believable.


Jill Carroll has said that the above interview was made under duress. I'm glad that she has repudiated those words quickly. As far as I'm concerned, that's the end of that story.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Borders, Waldenbooks Won't Carry Magazine

Borders and Waldenbooks have decided to not carry the April-May issue of Free Inquiry magazine as it contains the cartoons of Mohammed that Islamists used as an excuse to kill and riot.

Borders and Waldenbooks cited safety concerns in their craven kow-towing to Islamists even though there was not one incident of violence inside the United States related to the cartoons. I suppose it's up to the Christian fundies to start killing in order to make the bookstores stop carrying books critical of Jesus Christ. Pathetic.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


This is why we need immigration reform. Those idiotic students from Whittier showed their true loyalties by flying the Mexican flag above an upside-down American flag.

It's clear that the protesting students have no love for a country that provides so much for them and asks for so little.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

'Today we march, tomorrow we vote': fearful US Latinos flex political muscle

Clue to the protesting Latinos who want to influence government: If you're an illegal, YOU CAN'T VOTE.

And when you can't vote, politicians don't care.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Illegal immigrant protests

You know, I might be more sympathetic to the illegal immigrants protesting against harsher immigration policies if they weren't waving around Mexican flags. Can they be any more clueless?

Love this country. Learn the language. Then we can talk.

Some Marines Declining Extra Body Armor - Yahoo! News

Just goes to show that more armor on a soldier is not always better.

Bush Was Set on Path to War, Memo by British Adviser Says - New York Times

Who knew that during the run-up to the Iraq war that 'Cowboy George' was "not itching to go to war"?

Seems to go against the liberal CW doesn't it?

Evangelical teens rally in S.F.

Even though I'm an agnostic, the San Fransciscan counter-protestors at a youth evangelical rally in San Francisco's AT&T park really are made out like the ones who were intolerant. Their palpable hatred, along with the city's inane 'official condemnation', really is a little pathetic.