Whoa. What's even more amazing is that I'm able to discern what this guy is saying.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Whoa. What's even more amazing is that I'm able to discern what this guy is saying.
Indict, indict again. Things aren't looking good for Ronnie Earle's case against Tom DeLay on money laundering charges. It's looking more and more like he's got nothing but a vendetta.
Senator McCain has introduced a measure in a $440 billion spending bill that would require American troops follow onterrogation standards set in the Army Field Manual and prevent "cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment" of prisoners. Good for him, and I hope that it survives a threatened Bush veto. Although my opinion of torture is (in general) limited to actions that cause physical harm, I believe it's necessary for the legislature to compel this administration to follow its own rules, as it seems to be unwilling to do it by itself.
This is what can happen in the wake of the preposterous Kelo ruling by the Supreme Court. Corrupt politicians, helping out their campaign contributors, can easily take away your home or property through eminent domain as long as it benefits the public...as determined by the government.
Looks like we'll be seeing a trailer trash sex video of Bit-Bit and Kevin soon.
The man who wanted to reinstitute the draft, Charles Rangel, is a scumbag.
A marine who worked for Dick Cheney has been arrested, accused of espionage for the opposition politicians in the Philippines.
It's all FEMA bashing by St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis, who claims that FEMA hasn't responded to his request for trailers.
It's about time that Paul Krugman and his ilk at the New York Times have finally (hopefully) been held accountable for the lies they propagate in their editorials.