Saturday, October 08, 2005


Whoa. What's even more amazing is that I'm able to discern what this guy is saying.

Friday, October 07, 2005

When at first you don't succeed

Indict, indict again. Things aren't looking good for Ronnie Earle's case against Tom DeLay on money laundering charges. It's looking more and more like he's got nothing but a vendetta.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

McCain takes a stand against torture

Senator McCain has introduced a measure in a $440 billion spending bill that would require American troops follow onterrogation standards set in the Army Field Manual and prevent "cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment" of prisoners. Good for him, and I hope that it survives a threatened Bush veto. Although my opinion of torture is (in general) limited to actions that cause physical harm, I believe it's necessary for the legislature to compel this administration to follow its own rules, as it seems to be unwilling to do it by itself.

On another note, I find it darkly humorous that the Bush administration would find this measure limiting "the [P]resident's ability as commander-in-chief to effectively carry out the war on terrorism." Now why would that be?

More Kelo goodness

This is what can happen in the wake of the preposterous Kelo ruling by the Supreme Court. Corrupt politicians, helping out their campaign contributors, can easily take away your home or property through eminent domain as long as it benefits the determined by the government.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Bit-Bit preggers sex video to be released

Looks like we'll be seeing a trailer trash sex video of Bit-Bit and Kevin soon.

The kicker? She was pregnant when it was taped.

Rangel is a scumbag

The man who wanted to reinstitute the draft, Charles Rangel, is a scumbag.

Rangel, who intimated that Cheney was "mean and evil", had the audacity to demand an apology from Cheney after Cheney responded that "Charlie is a lot older than [he is], and it shows."

What a jerk.


A marine who worked for Dick Cheney has been arrested, accused of espionage for the opposition politicians in the Philippines.

Granted, the information was transferred to the Philippines and not a major strategic opponent like China, but this is a still a serious breach of national security.

It appears that he is now cooperating with authorities, but he still should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. We should brook no spies in our country.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


It's all FEMA bashing by St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis, who claims that FEMA hasn't responded to his request for trailers.

It's all bad for FEMA until a couple of paragraphs into the article where it turns out that part of the problem is that Davis was extorting FEMA for the cost of putting the trailers onto his property and that he was angling to improve his property using his own construction company at FEMA's expense.

Go figure.

'NY Times' Finally Runs Full Correction on Krugman Column, Announces New Policy

It's about time that Paul Krugman and his ilk at the New York Times have finally (hopefully) been held accountable for the lies they propagate in their editorials.

Krugman, if you are not aware, was forced to make a correction when he wrote an article in which helied about the post-election recounts by the media. Not once, but multiple times. Each time, it was made grudgingly, and never once did he admit error.

Finally, the New York Times's editorial page editor Gail Collins set future policy regarding editorials. However, even her article was not fully apologetic, as shown when talking about Michael Brown's relationship with Joe Allbaugh, writing that "a friend is a friend whether the relationship was born off campus or on."

Lowering the bar of accuracy? It seems so.

Muslims win toy pigs ban

Unfreakin' believable.