Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Space Race

A worrisome development in the Space Race as the Chinese destroy an orbiting satellite.

The Space Race

A worrisome development in the Space Race as the Chinese destroy an orbiting satellite.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Duke post seeks to defuse '88' ad

That's The News & Observer's headline to one of the bigger 'Whoops!' in recent history.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Home oil use down

A very insightful post by Instapundit, commenting about oil use this winter
Part of it's warm weather, and I believe it. My December heating bill was less than half of last December's. The greenhouse effect: reducing carbon consumption worldwide!

Global temperatures go up, winter oil use goes down, lowering CO2 emissions.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The 'Fairness Doctrine'

Is Dennis Kucinich crazy?

I think so.

The 'Fairness Doctrine'? I'd like to see that enforced...Maybe he's just interested in bureaucracy?

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