Friday, November 04, 2005


The riots in Paris are a direct result of the failure to assimilate the immigrant Muslim population.

By ignoring them, allowing them to congregate and form their own 'shadow governments', and by not educating them to speak one language, the immigrant Muslims became disaffected, unpatriotic, and unemployed. The three situations came together to spark the riots, now in their eighth day.

This is what we need to prevent in the U.S, which is why I'm completely against a bilingual U.S. Without a single language to promote national identity, you encourage these sorts of enclaves where only Spanish-speaking people live, or only Chinese-speaking people live. These areas are also usually economically depressed, and a cycle of disenfranchisement is created.

Currently, the U.S. has been spared such violence as that affecting Paris, but I'm afraid that, given time, we will no longer be so blessed.


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