House Silent on British Hostage Crisis
Yes, Nancy, let's refuse to show support for the British during the hostage crisis because, you know, Iran might be more inclined to free them if we said nothing.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Yes, Nancy, let's refuse to show support for the British during the hostage crisis because, you know, Iran might be more inclined to free them if we said nothing.
I'm guessing the EU's definition of 'appropriate measures' over the British hostage situation is our definition of 'talking'.
The captured sailors would not have had special "conduct after capture" training and will have to rely on common sense, military sources say. They would have been advised to say little about their families to avoid greater pressure. But formal training is usually reserved for special forces and pilots, who endure mock interrogations.It had struck me as unusual that the British sailors would let themselves be used as tools for propaganda. Civilians I could understand, but the military? There's something wrong with that.
Military sources suggested the captives were unlikely to have any sensitive state secrets. "In the main, they should just use their common sense," said one official. Whether training for capture is reviewed as a result of this incident will depend on their eventual debriefing.
Why is Mormonism such an anathema for other Americans?
Jesus, what will it take for the UN to grow some balls and actually be useful once in a while?
A poll for Lefties who constantly pull out the 'chickenhawk' ad hominem against war supporters.