Friday, February 03, 2006

State Department appeases the Jihadists, criticizes cartoons

Andrew Sullivan hits the nail on the head in describing the State Department's response to the caricatures of Mohammed as "pathetic appeasement". How the State Department can look itself in the mirror is beyond me.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

NAACP chairman compares GOP to Nazis

Cry "Wolf!" long enough, and people start to ignore you. Cry "Racism!" long enough and you get the same thing.

When will the NAACP learn? Probably never.

Does the IAEA want Iran to have nuclear weapons?

CNN's report on the IAEA contains so much doublespeak, I can't even tell if the IAEA want Iran to have nuclear weapons or not.

Why in the world is the report from the IAEA about Iran's nuclear intentions to the Security Council delayed until March? The IAEA has had months, or even a year to make its assessment about Iran's nuclear capability. ElBaradei doesn't even want the Security Council to take any action until then. He even goes so far as to say that reporting Iran to the Council is "not a crisis" but "a window of opportunity" to resolve the standoff. Who does he think he's kidding? The months before recommending the situation to the Security Council was the window of opportunity, not now.

If there was ever a time for military action against Iran, it's now. Iran will never stop in its quest to acquire nuclear weapons otherwise.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Muhammad cartoon row intensifies

Stick it to 'em! It looks like more and more of the European press, and, indeed, more Europeans are standing up to the hypocritical radical Muslims. Five more papers have printed the caricatures of Mohammed in response to the outrageous threats of radical Muslims against Denmark and the Danish paper Jyllands-Posten, which originally published the cartoons.

Die Welt, a German paper, put it best: "The protests from Muslims would be taken more seriously if they were less hypocritical."



This is who we must fight against. They live in the Western world, are a drain on its resources, but would gladly bite the hand that feeds them. They're no better than animals.

Via Michelle Malkin.

Cindy Sheehan: Attention Whore

Looks like Cindy Sheehan is trying to extend her 15 minutes of fame, this time getting hauled out of the House Chambers for refusing to cover up an anti-war t-shirt.

I think it's nice that CNN didn't bother telling readers that this policy was in place well before Bush was President, making Bush look like a bully. CNN also propagates the lie that during Cindy's 2004 meeting with Bush, President Bush
refused to look at pictures of Sheehan's son, didn't want to hear about him and "didn't even know Casey's name.
This has long been debunked.

It's sad to see such lazy reporting.


Looks like there was definitively no political agenda at all by Chimpy McHitlerburton in tossing Cindy Sheehan as the wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young was tossed for wearing a shirt that said "Support the Troops Defending Our Freedom."

Monday, January 30, 2006

Protests Over Muhammad Cartoon Grow

To the Danish government: Don't surrender to the radical Muslims. They know nothing of freedom of speech, and they themselves know nothing about tolerance of other religions.

Don't give in.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Aljazeera.Net - UN urged to ban attack on religion

So when the Muslim countries call countries like Israel infidels, they should have sanctions imposed on themselves?
