Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Compare and contrast

Compare Andrew Sullivan's presumption of guilt regarding George Allen's racism and use of the word "nigger" versus George Allen's defense which clearly exposes Ken Shelton as a liar.

And it turns out that if Sullivan had basic reading skills, a source that he cites in support of his argument of Allen's bigotry never actually heard Allen use the word "nigger" and just imagined Allen did based on hearsay. And it's not buried in the article, but in the first paragraph.
One of Virginia's best-known political analysts said he had never personally heard Sen. George Allen use racial epithets, despite saying on television a day earlier that the senator ''did use the n-word.''

Larry J. Sabato, director of the University of Virginia's Center for Politics, said Tuesday in an e-mail to The Associated Press, ''I didn't personally hear GFA (Allen's initials) say the n-word.

''My conclusion is based on the very credible testimony I have heard for weeks, mainly from people I personally know and knew in the '70s,'' Sabato wrote.

Sullivan is a hysteric, plain and simple. He is no better than any other person, hearing and seeing only what he wants to hear and see. It's just so pathetic that he thinks that he's above everyone else. I guess it's apt that other bloggers call him St. Andrew.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A driver's new best friend

Check out Dash and tell me that just isn't the coolest thing ever.

GPS using stupid CDs, DVDs, or any other physical media for mapping will be a thing of the past.

An important read

The testimony from 3 high-ranking officers, Maj. Gen. John Batiste, Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, and Col. Thomas Hammes, is a compelling read for those who think that Iraq must be won and are frustrated by the results.

Monday, September 25, 2006


I don't know, but I think that this ad is really just plain stupid, and those defending it at LGF are really stretching it.

The Cindy Sheehan meme

The Cindy Sheehan meme lives on in this WaPo article about GW's meetings with those who lost loved ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Not everyone agrees. Cindy Sheehan, who would later launch antiwar protests near Bush's Texas ranch, met with him in 2004 and left alienated. She said he came across as overly casual and immune to her pain, referring to her as "Mom," yet uninterested in stories about her dead son, Casey, and calling him "your loved one" instead of by name. When she later sought another meeting, Bush refused.

Said Missy Beattie, a fellow member of Gold Star Families for Peace whose nephew died in Iraq: "He only meets with people who support him. I don't know what I'd say to him. I almost feel like he's not worthy of time and thought because I don't think he cares. I don't think he has any human qualities. I don't think he would listen to me or anyone who's lost someone and feel any empathy."

Ah, Cindy, you're a joke and a liar.

Or maybe...

From Andrew Sullivan:
You mean only one alleged terror cell was interested in mixing liquids in lip-balm to blow up "dozens" of airplanes across the Atlantic? Or that the entire London bomb scare is beginning to look less and less like anything close to a realistic danger and was hyped for political purposes? I guess we'll soon find out from the British courts. But count me as a remaining skeptic on what exactly that August 10 bomb threat really was.

Or maybe Sullivan is a moron and perhaps if he had heard of a disrupted plot 5 years ago involving hijacking planes with knives and boxcutters in order to slam them into buildings, or maybe another plan to blow up a plane with a shoe, he would have called it a situation that looked "less and less like anything close to a realistic danger and was hyped for political purposes."

Hot Air has a post on a heavily politicized 9/11 memorial in Arizona.

God, can we blame ourselves any more?

Anti-Hizb'allah protest in Lebanon

Looks like not everyone in Lebanon thinks highly of Hizb'allah.