Thursday, October 27, 2005

Oh, you think?

For all the peacenik anti-U.S. pro-Saddam idiots, Saddam and those that he bribed were at fault for diverting funds from UNSCAM from food and medicine to golden palaces. The U.N. Volcker report will show that almost half of the companies involved with the Oil-For-Food program paid illegal surcharges on oil or kickbacks on contracts to supply humanitarian goods.

It goes further to say that the Banque Nationale de Paris S.A., or BNP, which held the escrow account, knew about those activities but did not report it.

The money made by Saddam, almost $13 billion, went to building palaces and bribing officials to advocate the lifting of sanctions. Even worse, the report goes on to say that U.N. officials and the Security Council were later informed, but not much was done about it.

Very interested to see what the fallout will be.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The definition of milestone

This is the definition of 'milestone'.

Why is the 2,000th death a milestone? Why is the 2,000th death any more important than the ones before and after it?

Answer? It's not. Read what Lt. Col. Steve Boylan has to say about true milestones.

The MSM should be ashamed of themselves for abusing the dead for political and monetary gain.


So it seems that a fertility clinic at Baylor College of Medicine has been given the go-ahead to allow couples to choose the sex of their baby.

Gattaca, anyone?

I'm generally for selection to weed out disease, but this is sounding ethical alarm bells in my mind.

And we're negotiating with them?

I shudder to think what may happen to Israel should Iran ever acquire nuclear weapons.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Liberal Moonbats: Yay, 2000 soldiers dead!

Now let's go home.

It's disgusting how the MSM is so obsessed with death.

Anti-Semitic poem in children’s school book

It looks like anti-Semitism has become part of the UK school curriculum. A poem about the extermination of Jews from the viewpoint of Adolf Hitler was accepted into the book 'Great Minds' by Steve Twelvetree, the editor. The poem, written by 14-year-old Gideon Taylor, showed "good use of technical writing."

The fact that the poem got into the textbook shows the incredible anti-Semitism of the UK and Europe as a whole.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Hear, hear!

Representatives Goodlatte, Doolittle, and Boucher have it right in defending the freedom of the Internet from the bureaucratic and anti-speech U.N.

I couldn't possibly imagine having a nation like China having a say in administrating the web.

Gorgeous George, perjurer?

Looks like Gorgeous George Galloway could be in a bit of trouble with the United States if a report from the Senate Subcommittee for Investigations is true.

The report states that there is evidence showing that Galloway's wife and his organization, Mariam Appeal, received almost $600,000 in Iraqi vouchers for oil.

I certainly hope that this report is true. It'll show Galloway as the monster he is, a profiteer and a business partner of a mass murderer.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

No killer instinct

The Cowboys lost to the Seahawks today 13-10 in overtime.

The Cowboys had the advantage recovering two turnovers deep in Seattle territory and couldn't seal the deal. Parcells is a great coach, but I'm baffled with the inconsistency displayed by the Cowboys game to game. Bledsoe had very little protection and missed Jason Witten in the endzone twice. If I were Witten, I'd be pissed. Something needs to change, and soon, or the Cowboys will once again miss the playoffs.


It's hard not to have a visceral disgust towards the Middle East when you read about Iraqis burning a man alive after capturing him.

What's most disgusting is the report that children put straw on the man so he would burn faster. Sick.