Friday, July 01, 2005

Krugman, the new Jane Fonda

Paul Krugman's article today in the NYT is exactly the kind of amoral and defeatist commentary heard from the left that's led to their decline into a completely dissonant and negative bunch of hooligans with no message and no ideas. They long for the days before 9/11, when the answer to terrorist attacks was to throw a bunch of cruise missiles at empty mud huts in Afghanistan and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.

Pulling out of Iraq before their military and political infrastructure is prepared to take on the insurgency and win the hearts and minds of its citizens is amoral and is representative of the new Left. However incompetently Bill Clinton addressed the Somalia and Haiti, he was at least somewhat willing to provide force to get the job done. These days, the Left consists of a bunch of isolationists who love long as it's only for them. For everyone else, the status quo, stability. They were content with letting Saddam Hussein stay in power butchering his own citizens, just as they're content now to let one of the former U.S. embassy hostage-takers in Iran, the new president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, call for a worldwide Islamic revolution with nuclear weapons as its sword.

Let's be frank about the Left: they're cowards. Cowards for not facing the problem and finding real solutions. Cowards for not standing up to terrorists, and cowards for equating America and its soldiers to Nazis, willfully ignoring true suffering in the prisons of countries like China and the brutality of countries under the sway of Islamists.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

ABC yanks "Welcome to the Neighborhood"

ABC, bowing to pressure from protest groups, decided to pull their new reality show, "Welcome to the Neighborhood". This show's premise pits three white families against unorthodox families, such as a gay couple, a pagan couple, etc.

The most amusing group to protest the show was the infamous Family Research Council, which was afraid that the show would make evangelicals appear to be judgmental and if everyone didn't know that already.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Islamic states want permanent seat on UN Security Council - Yahoo! News

Not bloody likely.

It's a small world

It's been awhile since I've posted something non-political, but this evening I went over to Johnny D's and heard a great folk singer, Antje Duvekot. Although most of her songs were of the slow, reflective type, it's clear to me that she has oodles of talent.

It's funny because she used to go to the same school as I did, though I'm sure she wouldn't have remembered me.

Small world. And everyone should check her out.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Ahhh, weddings!

Just got back from a wedding, and let me tell you that it was torture. Many attractive women, none who live in town. I am certain I could have gotten together with a girl that I met up with there, but what would be the point? She would have been travelling soon after, and who knows where she would end up?

Am I making excuses? Perhaps, but I know that, at this point in my life, I'm looking for a serious relationship, not a one night stand.

I also met a seriously hot girl who turned out to be 17. Thus are the women from Columbia. Ughhh.