Saturday, May 26, 2007

N.J. governor gives seat belt warning - U.S. Life -

No, Governor Corzine, you should be dead because your SUV was traveling at 91 MPH in a 65 MPH zone and an caused a chain-reaction accident when you attempted to force a pickup truck off the road on a two-lane highway.

Granted, it was a state trooper who was doing the driving, but Governor Corzine, you did not make any objection over his reckless driving.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Timetable leads to defeat

Ace proves definitively that setting a timetable leads to defeat and encourages the enemy.

Too funny.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

House Defeats Bid to Reprimand Murtha

The Party of Ethics, eh?

Not so much.

Money quote:
In a House speech Monday, Rogers said Murtha threatened him by saying, "you will not get any earmarks now and forever." Rogers, backed by House GOP leaders, said Murtha's threat violated congressional ethics rules.

In conversations with colleagues and reporters, Democrats played down the incident. Murtha is known for blowing off steam, they said, and his comments to Rogers were too vague to constitute a genuine violation of ethics rules.
Doesn't sound "too vague" to me.

ABC News: Bomb Plot Thwarted at Falwell's Funeral

Homegrown terrorism?

I think so. Even though the suspect is an idiot (his bombs were not deemed to be effective), he (and suspected others) was planning on using the bombs to suppress, and indeed, terrorize, protestors against Jerry Falwell.

Bob Kerrey on Iraq

Read it all.

Monday, May 21, 2007

France says no to mass legalisation of undocumented immigrants | the Daily Mail

Why is it that the French have the right idea regarding illegal immigrants, and we're the ones who can't get anything done and done right?

No to amnesty