Path to Deportation Can Start With a Traffic Stop - New York Times
When the federal government can't or won't stop the wave of illegal immigrants, then it's up to the state or local officials to enforce the laws.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
When the federal government can't or won't stop the wave of illegal immigrants, then it's up to the state or local officials to enforce the laws.
You know that the Islamists would behead the PETA members had their disgusting stunt involved a Koran and a pig.
It is time for military action against Iran now to stop its quest for a nuclear weapon.
Read Sen. Jeff Sessions's speech about the failings of the Hagel-Martinez bill to see just how ridiculous it was.
Can we get over the ridiculous meme that illegals do the work that Americans don't want to do?
Maybe the hyper-ventilating treehuggers would want to take a step back and assess their apocalyptic stance on global warming after a study on the last 8 years of global temperatures revealed that it hasn't increased.
The Washington Post yesterday gave probably the most level-headed assessment of the so-called Bush leak crazed liberals like Ben Affleck are slavering over.
PRESIDENT BUSH was right to approve the declassification of parts of a National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq three years ago in order to make clear why he had believed that Saddam Hussein was seeking nuclear weapons. Presidents are authorized to declassify sensitive material, and the public benefits when they do. But the administration handled the release clumsily, exposing Mr. Bush to the hyperbolic charges of misconduct and hypocrisy that Democrats are leveling.