Friday, April 14, 2006

Path to Deportation Can Start With a Traffic Stop - New York Times

When the federal government can't or won't stop the wave of illegal immigrants, then it's up to the state or local officials to enforce the laws.

Row over 'crucifix' protest

You know that the Islamists would behead the PETA members had their disgusting stunt involved a Koran and a pig.

In fact, I dare PETA to do something like that on Ramadan.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It is time

It is time for military action against Iran now to stop its quest for a nuclear weapon.

What I find amazing is those on the Left who think that the U.S. has nothing to fear because we can blow Iran off the map if it ever attacked us. The real problem, however, is Iran doing whatever it wants in the region and saying, "What are you going to do about it since I've got The Bomb?" Civilized countries like Israel and the U.S. would be hamstrung because conventional warfare would then not be an option since Iran, with its Islamist core, would be perfectly willing to go down in a blaze of glory. And even if it weren't, Iran is just crazy enough to make people wonder. People need to realize that Iran, with its vast reserves of oil, would be unaffected much by trade sanctions and doing so would hurt the world economy more significantly than Iran's. So, the only recourse is to strike them now or in the very near future.

Why the Immigration 'Reform' bill was a failure

Read Sen. Jeff Sessions's speech about the failings of the Hagel-Martinez bill to see just how ridiculous it was.

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Last Word on Illegals

How about if the shoe were on the other foot?

But, then again, who'd want to live in Mexico?

Can we get over it?

Can we get over the ridiculous meme that illegals do the work that Americans don't want to do?

They do it for less because they have no rights. They work for less than an American citizen would because they have no choice. If you're a liberal, you should be outraged. Let me tell you this: if you enforced minimum wages and allowed illegals to unionize without retribution, you'd soon find a whole lot of competition for jobs that Americans supposedly won't do.

There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998

Maybe the hyper-ventilating treehuggers would want to take a step back and assess their apocalyptic stance on global warming after a study on the last 8 years of global temperatures revealed that it hasn't increased.

It is also interesting to note that Canada has decided to pull out of the Kyoto Protocol. We're not so alone now, are we?

WaPo's sober assessment of 'The Leak'

The Washington Post yesterday gave probably the most level-headed assessment of the so-called Bush leak crazed liberals like Ben Affleck are slavering over.
PRESIDENT BUSH was right to approve the declassification of parts of a National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq three years ago in order to make clear why he had believed that Saddam Hussein was seeking nuclear weapons. Presidents are authorized to declassify sensitive material, and the public benefits when they do. But the administration handled the release clumsily, exposing Mr. Bush to the hyperbolic charges of misconduct and hypocrisy that Democrats are leveling.

End of story, right? Wrong, because the Democrats will continue to ride this story as far as it can go. Fortunately, more serious minds have already dismissed this a long time ago.

The whole affair was handled poorly by the Administration, and they've been shown to be remarkably poor at getting a coherent message out. Man, I'm tired of all of this. Though I support a lot of Bush's foreign affairs policies in general, I've grown frustrated of his inability to see them through to fruition and his inability to give a convincing message. That, coupled with his free-for-all spending and his wrong-headed position on illegal immigration, makes me look forward to alternatives in 2008.

Ben Affleck: Bush 'Can Be Hung' for 'Probably' Leaking Plame's Name |


Ben Affleck is an idiot!

And you thought I was going to say "bad actor", huh?