Friday, February 11, 2005

I wonder if someone will get fired

Well, I wonder what's worse: abuse of prisoners in Abu Ghraib or the raping of children in Congo? Saying that rape is "particularly bad" is the world's greatest understatement. I wonder what Andrew Sullivan is thinking right now?

These are the people who are criticizing America? The best line was that "the United Nations permitted an environment in which sex with young girls was tolerated". This is too much. The world can take its judgment and shove it. We're by far their moral superiors.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Has it really been 4 days???

This has been such an exhausting week. I've found out that I'm a much more motivated worker in the morning than the afternoon. I truly get irritable and terse as the afternoon wears on. I've got to find a way to work through my change in attitude.

Ah, yes. These 12 hour days are truly wonderful.

Sunday, February 06, 2005


Get the hell out, already! The one thing America doesn't need is a quitter, and that's what these people are. Essentially, it boils down to spoiled brats trying to take their ball and go home.


Pats win! Pats win!