Blogs Attack From Left as Democrats Reach for Center
Prediction: a Democrat will not win the Presidency in 2008.
Reason? Because the radical left wing of the Democratic party has too strong a voice within the party. What's the problem with that? They're weak. They're impotent, full of irrational anger, and have no real solutions other than surrender on issues of national security, which is one of most resonating issues in today's politics.
There's an old truism: it is better to perpetrate sins of commission that sins of omission. I think that Americans as a whole desire an Executive branch of government that will tend to go too far in the name of national security than one that tends not to go far enough. And what do the liberal activists want? An Executive that is impotent, that defers to Congress, and, most importantly, cherishes European postmodern values of negotiation and appeasement.
And that's the weird thing: liberals are angry because they are not in a position of power. However, the irony is that once they have power, liberals make us weak, and sensible Americans everywhere must not allow that to happen. The only guarantee is to elect a Republican President in 2008, and that's what I predict will happen.