Saturday, January 28, 2006

Blogs Attack From Left as Democrats Reach for Center

Prediction: a Democrat will not win the Presidency in 2008.

Reason? Because the radical left wing of the Democratic party has too strong a voice within the party. What's the problem with that? They're weak. They're impotent, full of irrational anger, and have no real solutions other than surrender on issues of national security, which is one of most resonating issues in today's politics.

There's an old truism: it is better to perpetrate sins of commission that sins of omission. I think that Americans as a whole desire an Executive branch of government that will tend to go too far in the name of national security than one that tends not to go far enough. And what do the liberal activists want? An Executive that is impotent, that defers to Congress, and, most importantly, cherishes European postmodern values of negotiation and appeasement.

And that's the weird thing: liberals are angry because they are not in a position of power. However, the irony is that once they have power, liberals make us weak, and sensible Americans everywhere must not allow that to happen. The only guarantee is to elect a Republican President in 2008, and that's what I predict will happen.

Hamas Suggests Using Militants in Army

Exactly how have the Palestinians changed now that Hamas has taken power?

If anything, things will only get worse for them. Now, besides the continuation of terrorist attacks against Israel, the Palestinians have a new government that openly calls for the destruction of Israel. Things have certainly taken a step back in time between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Google pulls 'we don't censor' statement

I guess now Google's censoring itself now that they've agreed to be a partner in censorship with China by developing a search engine for that closed country.

Contrast that with how hard Google is fighting COPA here in America and you've got a Google that's just a little bit hypocritical and just a little bit evil.

Gore accuses big oil of bankrolling Tories

Wow, will Al Gore never shut up? He's already gotten himself labeled as a nutjob in America, and now he's meddling in Canadian politics, accusing the new Tory PM Stephen Harper as being in the pocket of Canadian 'Big Oil' and too conservative, which is strange because even conservatives in Canada are somewhat liberal for American standards. Gore also accused the media, the Canadian media for goodness' sake, as being complicit in hiding just how much Harper is in the oil industry's pocket.

Is he crazy? It looks that way, doesn't it?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Senators in Need of a Spine - New York Times

The NYT is advocating filibustering the nomination of Samuel know, like when the Republicans filibustered Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Oh, wait, she was confirmed 96-3, even with her social stances being against the Republican platform. Even those who were pro-life confirmed her, thus negating NYT's criticism of Arlen Specter, a pro-choice Republican senator who is expected to vote for Alito.

NYT's extreme liberal bent is clearly clouding their judgment. Obviously, they only look at the short term. In 2008, if a Democrat wins the Presidency, turnabout will be fair play. You can expect every single nominee of the President that requires Senate approval to be sunk with a Republican majority. Even if the Republicans lose the majority, they'll have enough votes to filibuster any given time. I'm sure that NYT won't be advocating filibustering then, eh?

Palestinian government resigns in wake of Hamas win

There are reports that Hamas has won the elections in the Palestinian Territories.

That's democracy. Sometimes you don't like the results, but you've got to support the principle. Now, it's up to Hamas to become a legitimate political party. However, it doesn't look that way as Hamas still doesn't recognize Israel.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

MPAA accused of motion picture piracy

Oh, the irony.

Google Agrees to Censor Results in China

A low-down dirty shame.

However, I suppose there are always two sides to a coin: on the flip side, getting economic inroads into any closed society will inevitably open the society, however slowly.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A vacation from blogging

I've been taking a little break from blogging. It seems like I never seem to have enough time.

Monday, January 23, 2006

US filmmaker Michael Moore weighs in on Canada's election

The headline is just too funny.

Michael Moore, today, is just another fat man.