Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The UN is a joke

While it was a tragedy that 4 UN peacekeepers were tragically killed by Israeli shelling, Kofi Annan's statement that the Israelis deliberately targeted UN forces betrayed his now plainly anti-Israeli sentiments. What's even more shocking is that this all could have been avoided had he simply pulled the peacekeepers out. Instead, he allowed Hezbollah to use the outposts as shields in their attacks against Israel.

Kofi must go.

Lebanese President Lahoud shills for Hezbollah

Read this pathetic interview in which Lebanese President Emile Lahoud basically admits that the Lebanese government supports Hezbollah and is not in control of its own country.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Quit playing the race card

A minority D-List actress Mo'Nique (who?) plays the race card against United Airlines, after she was booted off her flight. Problem is, she never tells us how racism comes into it.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Laugh of the Day

Laugh of the day via LGF: Anti-Semitism from the Left is a Right-wing plot!

Ah-nold tells it like it is

Good for Arnold Schwarzenegger, for unequivocally supporting Israel's right to self-defense.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Jerk of the week

Dan Frazier, of Flagstaff, AZ. is the jerk of the week.