Lt. William Rebrook is in the news for reportedly having to pay $700
for body armor lost in combat. Liberals, despite knowing full well that this is most likely a bureaucratic snafu (heck, even Rebrook himself believes it was), have taken this on as some sort of 'Bush is evil' campaign.
In the West Virginia Gazette, we have quotes such as those from Sen. Jay Rockefeller:
“I was outraged this morning when I read the story about what happened to Eddie,” said Rockefeller, who nominated Rebrook for admission to the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., when Rebrook attended George Washington High School in Charleston. “I’m heartbroken that he can’t continue his career, and I’m shocked that he has been treated this way by our military.”
and from Sen. Robert Byrd:
“How can it be that the Army is charging wounded soldiers for replacing damaged body armor? Is this standard practice?”
God, can they be any more bald-faced about their political angle?
According to Lt. Col. Scott Bleichwell, soldiers aren't financially responsible for equipment if lost, damaged, or destroyed while in combat. End of story. It's just pathetic to see liberals on their hands and knees looking for any sort of dirt they can use to sully the Bush administration.