Saturday, February 11, 2006

Iran plant 'has restarted its nuclear bomb-making equipment'

Could Iran force Israel and the U.S.'s hand by restarting Natanz, Iran's bomb-making nuclear plant?

I'm so far on target with my timetable for U.N. sanctions, but I think that military action will begin sooner that I predict.

Wal-Mart: Corporate Devil?

Apparently, if Robert Greenwald is to be believed, nothing good has ever come from Wal-Mart.

First-Grader Suspended For Sexual Harassment

I remember when little girls would chase little boys around claiming they had 'cooties' and vice versa. Is that what sexual harassment is nowadays?



Downey Elementary School has apologized to the boy and mother and allowed him to transfer to another school. Common sense has won the day...though not after the PC police traumatized a six-year-old boy and his mother.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Can we say...

Frivolous lawsuit? A family is suing the Japanese restaurant chain Benihana for the wrongful death of a man from flying shrimp!

The man died from complications following surgery in June 2001, 5 months after the flying shrimp incident, and the family, ever eager to get more money, is suing Benihana. So sorry, no dice.


Common sense wins this time, as the jury rejected the family's claims. The jury was out two hours...though it really should have taken less time.

ABC News: EU mulls media code after cartoon protests

Once again, the European governments have shown that they are a bunch of spineless cowards and bureaucrats by considering drawing up a media code of conduct. Nothing could be more telling of their surrender to Islamism that EU Justice and Security Commissioner Franco Frattini's shameless kow-towing:
"The press will give the Muslim world the message: We are aware of the consequences of exercising the right of free expression," he told the newspaper. "We can and we are ready to self-regulate that right."

Can you grovel even more, Franco?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Jewish Street Explodes

From The Corner: The Jewish street explodes. It's funny cause it's true.

In fact, Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that printed the 12 'offensive' cartoons of Mohammed, is willing to print Iran's Holocaust cartoons. It sounds like Iran is walking into a trap laid by the Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten. Once it's shown that the Jewish people don't react to the Holocaust cartoons like a pack of insane monkeys, the Islamists will be ridiculed even more throughout the civilized world.

And you know what? I think that the Iranians now realize that they had been played for saps this entire time. I also think that the Iranians won't agree to Jyllands-Posten's proposal.

Mohammed Cartoons appeared last October!

From Rantings of a Sand Monkey. It seems that the 12 so-called 'offensive' cartoons of Mohammed were actually printed in October in the Egyptian paper Al Fagr!

This sort of gives credence to the allegations that certain Middle Eastern governments are stoking the 'rage'.

Well, now let's burn down Al Fagr and boycott the Egyptians, shall we?

Publish or Not? Muhammad Cartoons Still Vexing U.S. Editors

Cowards, every one of them.

Stop the grandstanding

Lt. William Rebrook is in the news for reportedly having to pay $700 for body armor lost in combat. Liberals, despite knowing full well that this is most likely a bureaucratic snafu (heck, even Rebrook himself believes it was), have taken this on as some sort of 'Bush is evil' campaign.

In the West Virginia Gazette, we have quotes such as those from Sen. Jay Rockefeller:
“I was outraged this morning when I read the story about what happened to Eddie,” said Rockefeller, who nominated Rebrook for admission to the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y., when Rebrook attended George Washington High School in Charleston. “I’m heartbroken that he can’t continue his career, and I’m shocked that he has been treated this way by our military.”

and from Sen. Robert Byrd:
“How can it be that the Army is charging wounded soldiers for replacing damaged body armor? Is this standard practice?”

God, can they be any more bald-faced about their political angle?

According to Lt. Col. Scott Bleichwell, soldiers aren't financially responsible for equipment if lost, damaged, or destroyed while in combat. End of story. It's just pathetic to see liberals on their hands and knees looking for any sort of dirt they can use to sully the Bush administration.

Britney Spears defends idiocy - The Superficial

God can Britney Spears be any dumber? How can anyone defend driving a vehicle with her baby in her lap?


Via The Superficial.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Muslim protests are incitement to murder, say Tories

The Tories in England are calling for the arrest of militant Muslims who attended protests over the brouhaha of the Mohammed cartoons. They were seen carrying signs saying "Massacre those who insult Islam" and "Behead the one who insults the Prophet".

What did the police do? They arrested two people who were carrying the cartoons of Mohammed for breaching the peace.

Can you get any more spineless?


To turn the celebration of Coretta Scott King into a opportunity to bash the President while he was in attendance is disgusting to say the least.

Pathetic. No wonder the civil rights movement has stalled. Jimmy Carter tries to tie in the current wiretap debate into Martin and Coretta King's lives, never mind that it had been initiated by Democrats.

Is CIA Leak Probe a 'Witch Hunt'?

When sensitive information is leaked that is potentially helpful to the Bush administration, it's called a crime and should be punished, but when sensitive information is leaked that could hurt the administration, that same punishment is called a 'witch hunt'.


Monday, February 06, 2006

The Irony of the Muslim outrage, illustrated

It's funny 'cause it's true.

The Irony of the Muslim outrage, illustrated

It's funny 'cause

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Brit Hume tells it like it is

Brit Hume describes to a 'T' the blatant hypocrisy of the Muslims protesting the publication of the Danish caricatures of Mohammed.

Via Michelle Malkin.