Friday, June 17, 2005

Let it be

Gov. Jeb Bush has completely lost it and has opened up a probe on what had happened to Terri Schiavo that put her into a vegetative state 15 years ago. This probe completely comes from left field and to the unbiased eye, smacks of a vendetta. While, of course, all questions deserve answers, whomever the messenger is, I expect we'll soon hear that there was no way of determining what had happened to her. Once that answer comes down the pike, Jeb Bush will pay the price.

Democrats completely lose it


Thursday, June 16, 2005


As much as I can understand the Schindlers' pain, they are still living in a dream world of denial, or at worst, lies.

Not enough troops

One of the most grievous mistakes that this Presidency has made in Iraq is that we never had enough troops there.

Frist: Schiavo Autopsy Results End Case

Even "Dr." Bill "You can get AIDS from saliva" Frist had to admit, based on the autopsy, that Terri Schiavo had irreparable and devastating brain damage. Thank goodness. I was beginning to think that he got his license from West Hollywood Upstairs Medical School or something.


Whoops. It was tears, not saliva.

Metaphor? I think not

Ummm...Spicoli, exactly how should America interpret "Death to America" slogans spewed by Iranians other than Iran wants America dead?

Who do you know that says "Death to Sean Penn" and really uses it as a metaphor?

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Schiavo Autopsy Finds No Sign of Trauma

Of course, this won't get the crazy Right-to-Lifers to shut the hell up, but it'll quiet many others who are moderates, yet were sitting on the fence. The woman was brain-dead and had no hope to recover...ever. If her wish was indeed to die, then the result was the right thing to do. Even if her wishes were not known, the extensive damage to her brain would still have had been a strong case to end her life.

Schwarzenegger Jeered at Graduation Speech

Reading the article from the Post, it sounded like the only people jeerying were what Schwarzenegger calls "the special interests".

What a bunch of hooligans, ruining a graduation speech that wasn't even for them! Public employees, while mostly hardworking people, have serious problems from those who take advantage of the bureaucracy and unions to coast through their job. Working as a contractor for a state project, I see that every day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Too creepy

For someone who has professed to be a Catholic, Katie Holmes is now a Scientologist after dating Tom Cruise for about 2 months or so. Either critics have gotten Scientology all wrong, or Katie has been brainwashed. I'm betting on the latter.

Well, weak-minded fools abound in Hollywood.

Monday, June 13, 2005

WaPo - The Right Conversation for America

We, as a nation, can blame the media for losing perspective in the GWOT, and Fred Hiatt of WaPo unwittingly points that out in the last sentence of his editorial bashing America for failing to live up to its standards. He says that "it's fair to write more editorials about exceedingly mild Koran abuse at Guantanamo Bay than about the unspeakable mass graves of Hilla."

That, folks, is patently absurd. It's not fair. It's not fair to write about how we got someone's Koran wet as some sort of outrage, while downplaying the accounts of the detainees destroying their own Korans or when Pakistani terrorists blow up a mosque. He claims that we don't need to know how evil al Zarqawi is, as if it's a given.

I'm sorry, Fred, but we do need to know it. We need to know why we're fighting this war. When all we hear from the media is what we've been doing wrong and never what we've been doing right, normal people begin to wonder if we've ever done any good at all. We don't need the media to be slavish in its praise of America, but we do need it to be fair. We shouldn't have to go to Arthur Chrenkoff's wonderful blog to help us realize just how much progress we're making in Iraq. You should be reporting it...but instead, the MSM buries good news on page 12, while reporting the U.S. body count on the front page.

However, America is not without fault. Let's be clear about that. Unlike our French and German friends, we are generally a people of action, not talk, and those who act, being human, are inevitably bound to commit mistakes and bad acts. We've made many mistakes during our young life as a country, some horrible, and we should be held to account. But, it's important to know that what it all boils down to is that we're all human. Yet, in the balance of things, America is still the greatest force for good in the world, and we, and the world, should never forget that.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Hysterical Left

Nowhere in Frank Rich's article in the NYT claiming that the Bush administration intimidates the media a la Nixon does he even demonstrate how the White House does it. He also blames the White House for Newsweek's shoddy journalism. This guy is a complete wingnut and should stay in his house with his tinfoil hat on.

Preferably with the lights out.