Even Before Alito Hearings, the Verdicts Are In
Let's bash Samuel Alito unmercifully, then say you're still open-minded about his confirmation to the Supreme Court.
What a joke.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Let's bash Samuel Alito unmercifully, then say you're still open-minded about his confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Michelle Malkin has video of a town meeting where Sgt. Seavey, a soldier who just returned from Afghanistan, tells Rep. John Murtha to shut the hell up.
I guess it's really useful to talk to a country whose leader hopes for a prime minister's death.
Typical NYT trash. It's amusing to read the title 'Muslim Scholars Were Paid to Aid U.S. Propaganda' and the read later on that "[i]t is unclear how much of this money, if any, went to the religious scholars, whose identities could not be learned."
Oh, hey, it looks like Iran really is trying to assemble a nuclear weapon capable of striking Europe. But, we'll just continue talking really sternly to them to get them to stop.
Classic U.N.: Iran decides that it's going to restart its nuclear research program and the U.N.'s response is
The secretariat is in the process of seeking clarification from Iran as to the implications of their decision
John Murtha is continuing actively tarnish his own name and legacy. It's one thing to disagree with the war in Iraq. It's another to actively discourage people from joining the military.