Friday, December 17, 2004


So, it's a no-go with the girl. She basically gave me the impression that she wasn't into me. She never called back, but emailed me, which is a great way to avoid any sort of awkwardness. Que sera, sera. I was disappointed, as usual, but Jamie straightened me out.

Today, I am looking forward to the parties this evening, even if she's is going to be there. It's a non-issue now, as far as I'm concerned. And tomorrow evening, I'll be at a party, as well, as my plans with Kristen never got off the ground. It looks like I'm off to Melinda's pajama-jammy-jam, after all.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


I was listening to Fresh Air on NPR yesterday, and the guest was Richard Viguerie, the so-called "Father of Direct Mail". Listening to him sounded a lot like listening to Islamofascists speak. He claimed that the liberals were waging a war against conservatism (read: religious conservatism), and that it was the liberals who are intolerant. I almost expected him to declare jihad against social liberals right on the radio. It's amazing how Christian fundamentalists can't see the parallels they draw with the Islamic fundies. Granted, Christian fundies have a religion based on life, not death, but even still, the similarities are clear. Both are anti-science. Both are cultural reactionaries. I could go on and on, but the only way to defeat ignorance is through patience and education.

And will Jesse Jackson please shut up! The election is over. The best way to continue to delegitimize the civil rights movement is to cry wolf over and over again. Keep it up, Jesse.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Work at the liquor store this evening has been tiring. I had to make 4 deliveries, 2 of which had multiple boxes, and 1 in which I had to go back to the store to get another bottle because of miscommunication between the customer and an associate. Oh, well. At least I got decent tips, even if I did have to go to Charlestown again. God I hate delivering to that town.

Anyway, last night the girl I like emails me to tell me that she'd like to go to Rachel's party on Friday night. Trouble is, I asked her if she would like to go to the party, followed by a date with her Saturday evening. So, I emailed her to see if she wanted to go out Saturday night, as well. Granted, my original email to her might have been a bit ambiguous. I had asked her if she wanted to go to the party, then stated that I wanted to go out with her Saturday, so she might have taken the second request as given. Well, we'll see. There's nothing I can do but wait for her response.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Overthrow the bourgeoisie!

The liquor store was interesting Sunday afternoon. I had a delivery that day to a wealthy couple that thought that a party that they were hosting was on the 19th, but was actually for this Sunday. How do you forget something like that? I can understand it if they forgot the date to a party that they were attending. But hosting??? So they called in a panic around 3 to get them 9 whites 3 reds and 2 six-packs of Sam for their party starting at 5. They asked it to be chilled. So, we pulled together their order, chilled the whites, and got it to their condo in 45 minutes. Instead of being grateful and thanking us for getting the order to them in such short notice, they asked if we had chilled the wine. Now, I support capitalism. If you worked hard and you're rich, by all means, take the fruits of your work. But you should treat deserving people around you with courtesy, respect, and decency. Oh, and I got a measly $3 tip for a $145 order. That kind of crap gave me a sudden urge to overthrow the bourgeoisie before I collected myself. I'm thinking we should institute a gradient mandatory surcharge on all deliveries, though. A $3 tip is just ridiculous. Either that, or I've been tipping my food delivery guys an exorbitant amount.

Oh, and I almost ran over this woman on the way back from that delivery. I was driving in the right hand lane to make a right turn, when I saw a woman get out of her car. I gave her some berth so she could get out comfortably. Amazingly, instead of just getting out of her car and moving to the sidewalk, she then stepped out even more into the lane, apparently to look down the street! I had to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting her. Some people are just so oblivious.