Friday, May 05, 2006

Kennedy arrogance

God, can the Kennedys be bigger drunkards and incompetents? Rep. Patrick Kennedy, son of the infamous Sen. Ted Kennedy, crashed his car Thursday morning around 2:45AM. When he emerged from the car, according to Capitol police who were at the scene, he was staggering and claiming that he was late to a vote, even though Congress had adjourned 3 hours prior!

Instead of allowing the officers to perform a sobriety test, a superior officer ordered the patrolmen to release him and got Kennedy driven home! Amazing! It boggles the mind how this could have happened. Our congressmen are not above the law. He should be punished.


Write to him here.

**UPDATE** - 05/04/2006, 10:04PM

Also, according to Drudge, Kennedy was in an accident two weeks beforehand in Rhode Island. Michelle Malkin has a scan of the police report and comments on the atrociousness of Kennedy's handwriting, an indication of someone under the influence. Why wasn't he charged then? I guess being a Kennedy has its perks.

**UPDATE** - 05/05/2006, 9:46AM

Seems like Kennedy is being caught in a lie regarding his claim that he "consumed no alcohol" prior to the accident and instead had mixed medications of Phenergan (for gastroenteritis) and Ambien, a sleep aid.

A hostess at the bar Hawk & Dove claims to have seen Kennedy drinking there before the crash. A bartender at the Tune Inn, which is next to the Hawk & Dove, also claims that Kennedy was at the Hawk & Dove Wednesday evening.

Looks like Kennedy will have some serious explaining to do in the next couple of days.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

What a fantastic day

The weather today was incredible. On top of that, I did my good deed of the day by finding and returning a wallet. Plus, I bought and ate some candy at a newly opened and great chocolate shop, Beacon Hill Chocolates, on my street corner, helped out by two really friendly ladies. Great day! Tomorrow, I go see the girly-friend. What could be better?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Oh, yeah

Today, I benched 210 lbs. Not once, but twice! I broke my plateau of 205 lbs.

This 5'7", 144lbs. Asian guy benched 210 lbs! Yes!

Was 'U' instructor's speech free - or racist?

Apparently, calling someone a 'wetback' is OK as long as the target is white.

That's what Susana De Leon, a University of Minnesota instructor, did at a protest on illegal immigration rights. From the article:
"Yes, people from Europe are wet backs man... their backs so wet because they had to cross an ocean to get here,” De Leon said at the rally.

She also says that "it is not possible for minorities to be racist against white people."

Vivian Jenkins Nelson, a diversity expert from the Inter-race Institute and author of the ‘Diversity Dictionary’, would not condemn De Leon’s language, but did say it was not helpful.

"There are much bigger conversations that need our attention and effort than name calling at a rally somewhere,” Jenkins Nelson said.

Is that so? I wonder if Jenkins Nelson and De Leon would call me racist if I, an Asian, called Mexican illegals 'wetbacks'? What an interesting question! Is it possible for a minority to be racist against another minority?

Things that make you go 'Hmmmm'.

More hysterics from Sullivan

Ah, Andrew Sullivan. If there is anyone in the blogosphere more able to engage in melodramatics, I haven't read the blog.

God, can he get more pathetic? Just read his weepy post regarding Amnesty International's report to the UN about US 'torture'. I put 'torture' in quotes because some of AI's examples of torture are laughable at best. Examples: tasers, hooding, and dogs. Like I said, laughable. And it's amazing that AI cites 1) its own past reports as legitimate fact, and 2) assumes allegations are indeed fact. Besides that, fully half of the report involves AI's general complaints about domestic prisons!

'Widespread torture'. That's what Sullivan says is happening. What does he mean by 'widespread'? What's widespread to him? What does he mean by 'torture'? Sounds like to me 'widespread' and 'torture' is whatever Sullivan defines it to be.

I don't deny that torture and criminal deaths have happened during the GWOT and they should be prosecuted, but hyperventilating like this is just like crying 'Wolf!' one too many times.


What terribly depressing weather.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Russia want Iran to get the bomb

It's plainly obvious that Russia wants Iran to get The Bomb. How else do you explain their 'proposal' for a U.N. resolution that 1) does not impose sanctions upon noncompliance with inspections and 2) allows Iran 1-3 months to comply? Isn't that what the IAEA has been doing: imposing no sanctions and giving Iran time to comply with inspections?

This has got to stop. If the U.S. cannot act under the auspices of the U.N., then it once again must find a 'Coalition of the Willing'.

Islam in Indonesia

And Indonesia is supposed to be moderate.


A sting operation

Now the government should know exactly which companies were shut down by the May 1 protests due to their illegal employees skipping work.

The question is, will the government now go after them? Why do I think that it won't?

Not all patriots

Michelle Malkin has real, unedited pictures from various May 1 protests.

Ah, Harvard

You know, I have nothing but contempt for Harvard. I have no idea what qualifications are necessary for admittance, but they must be pretty low. Here are pictures of their May 1 protest to allow not just some, but all immigrants into the country in some kind of weird 'No Borders' policy.

It's amazing how such 'smart' kids can be so stupid. You know, there is a border to take down. It's the border between real life here in the outside world and the fantastical dreamworld these Harvard kids live in.

Monday, May 01, 2006

U.S. economy gets lift from immigrants, though some hurt - May. 1, 2006

From CNN, an article making the case for not tossing out illegal immigrants.

It's funny. Even though the article is addressing the benefits of having illegal immigrants in the workforce, it does nothing to address if those same illegals were to become legal immigrants (as the illegals want), protected under workforce labor laws, etc. So, unintentionally, the article is calling for illegal immigrants to stay illegal so they can be paid 'slave' wages...all to benefit our legal U.S. citizens. Brilliant.

Also, they make another tangential slip: the article also supports not raising the minimum wage. The money quote:
Some economists say that if immigrant workers weren't present, rather than native-born workers getting better wages to do the same jobs, many jobs done by immigrants might not get done at all.

If immigration reform pushed wages higher for lower-skilled workers that would probably stop many average Americans from hiring household help they can now afford. The same is true for some manufacturers and service sector employers as well.

"The average wage of the low-income American would be higher. But some of those jobs wouldn't get done at all and output would be lower," said David Wyss, chief economist for Standard & Poor's if immigration reform reduces the low-wage labor pool.

Game. Set. Match. Liberals talk themselves into supporting slave wages for illegal immigrants and not increasing the minimum wage.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Texas Rainmaker » Are They Really Anti-War or Just Anti-Bush?

It's funny cause it's true.



All you can eat whole lobster. Need I say more?