Herald Sun: Muslim books of hate sold
This sort of hatred and bloodthirst is what the PR department of Islam has to deal with.
These books were sold right out of a bookstore attached to a mosque.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
This sort of hatred and bloodthirst is what the PR department of Islam has to deal with.
In an article sure to send Andrew Sullivan through the stratosphere with hysterical apoplexy, the New York Times is "reporting" that psychologists were employed by the military to give advice on how to break detainees at Guantanamo.
Wow, the Supreme Court today ruled in favor of allowing cities to seize private property through eminent domain for private development, as long as they are within state law. The weird party was that the 5-4 majority consisted of the more liberal members of the SCOTUS. Here is the majority siding with big business and minimizing the purview of the federal government, yet expanding the scope of the 5th Amendment. Whoa. The minority consisting of Scalia, O'Connor, Thomas, and Rehnquist stayed true to their conservative leanings and protect individual rights, limited the scope of government, and narrowly construed the Constitution.
This may come as a surprise to no one, but the Democrats, once again, have found voting problems in Ohio in the 2004 election. The reasons are the usual cast of characters: so-called "long lines", "poorly trained" election officials, "difficulties" with registration status, polling locations, and absentee ballots.
Sullivan is now attempting to laugh off criticism of his praise of Sen. Durbin by talking about "nuances" to his argument, that, if hearing about such a story of "torture", no one would find it unbelievable that it came from a Nazi concentration camp.
Once again, the religious whackjobs in Congress come out to play.
Q: How does one square applauding Sen. Durbin's asinine"American military as Nazi's" comment with being outraged by Amnesty International's exaggerated "Guantanamo as gulag" statement?
Matt Hufferd, a 12 year old kid playing baseball for goodness's sake, has wisdom beyond his years. Upon hearing that other teams in his baseball league were quitting because the his team, the Stars, were too good, he calls the parents of those teams quitters.
Muslims tearing up their own Korans then blaming their guards??? No way, couldn't happen! I hear such acts are punishable by death.