lgf: Palestinian Civil War Watch
Good times for the Palestinians!
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
I'm glad that the CIA is finally cleaning house with the firing of Mary McCarthy, accused of improperly leaking information to the press, including rumors of CIA "black" sites, which was disavowed by the EU's antiterrorism coordinator on Thursday. This was a systematic pattern, not just one isolated incident. So essentially, she was a mole for the media. And, of course, she was a strong Kerry supporter, donating the maximum, $2,000, an individual can donate to a campaign.
So today, while doing the laundry, I tried two new sodas (I needed the change for the laundry): Coke Blak and Diet Dr. Pepper Berries & Cream. On the whole, I thought that Coke Blak, a coffee infused Coke, had more potential. I liked the idea, but on the whole, I felt it had two problems:
The election of Iran to be vice chair to the UN's disarmament commission, which promotes disarmament and reviews treaties dealing with nuclear energy, is worse than having Sudan on the UN Human Rights Commission.
Well, it seems that Howard Dean has a master plan for winning the 2006 elections.
It's not a good sign that Russia is selling to Iran air defense systems in the wake of the current nuclear standoff.
After reading this, it's obvious that Cindy Sheehan is one of the most despicable human beings I've ever read about.
Political correctness run amuck.
This is why the U.N. is useless. Russia and China, both also hindering efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, are also stopping an attempt to punish Sudan for its genocidal activities in Darfur. They are, obstensibly, totalitarian governments, and they are permanent members of the UN Security Council.
Given the current oil price instability and threats from Iran to destabilize the market, even the co-founder of Greenpeace is advocating nuclear energy.
I don't know about you, but I'm a pretty happy guy. You wouldn't know it though, because James Carroll thinks that I and everyone else is angry and in despair.