Saturday, April 22, 2006

lgf: Palestinian Civil War Watch

Good times for the Palestinians!

C.I.A. Fires Senior Officer Over Leaks - New York Times

I'm glad that the CIA is finally cleaning house with the firing of Mary McCarthy, accused of improperly leaking information to the press, including rumors of CIA "black" sites, which was disavowed by the EU's antiterrorism coordinator on Thursday. This was a systematic pattern, not just one isolated incident. So essentially, she was a mole for the media. And, of course, she was a strong Kerry supporter, donating the maximum, $2,000, an individual can donate to a campaign.

Of course, the NYT tries to conflate her illegal and traitorous actions with what George Bush's legal and authorized actions to defeat false information disseminated by former Ambassador Joe Wilson.

The liberal media also tries to make her out as some kind of martyr, with Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr. saying that people who leak out of principle shouldn't be persecuted. Of course, if things worked that way, then we wouldn't have any secrets at all!

Already, the spin by the media has begun.

**UPDATE - 04/22/2006 6:47PM**

Looks like Mary McCarthy is a little bit more partisan than even the NYT reported.

New sodas

So today, while doing the laundry, I tried two new sodas (I needed the change for the laundry): Coke Blak and Diet Dr. Pepper Berries & Cream. On the whole, I thought that Coke Blak, a coffee infused Coke, had more potential. I liked the idea, but on the whole, I felt it had two problems:

1) Not enough coffee flavor
2) It was a little flat

Granted, a highly-carbonated coffee Coke wouldn't be very good, but because it didn't have a stronger coffee flavor than a cola flavor, it didn't work for me. However, if Coke rejiggers its blend to have a strong coffee flavor, I think that this drink just might work out.

Diet Dr. Pepper Berries & Cream, on the other hand, just sorta tasted like Dr. Pepper with a hint of berries. I was underwhelmed, just as I was with Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, because Dr. Pepper by itself has a strong taste that drowns out others. I think Dr. Pepper should just stick with the tried and true.

Thursday, April 20, 2006


The election of Iran to be vice chair to the UN's disarmament commission, which promotes disarmament and reviews treaties dealing with nuclear energy, is worse than having Sudan on the UN Human Rights Commission.

Way to go, UN! Way to show just how useless you are!

Muslim students 'being taught to despise unbelievers as filth'

Just wow.

Ah, Howard the Duck!

Well, it seems that Howard Dean has a master plan for winning the 2006 elections.

First, attack the character of Republicans when one of his own is attacking police officers.

Second, blackmail religious groups' speech by threatening to remove their tax-exempt status because we all know that religious people are all fundamentalists.

Third, carbon copy what the Administration is trying to do in Iraq, call it a Democratic idea, and say that the Administration isn't doing it.

Fourth, say repeatedly that the Democrats are "tough and smart" because we all know that people who are actually tough and smart have to constantly convince people that they are.

Real smooth moves, Howard.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Not a good sign

It's not a good sign that Russia is selling to Iran air defense systems in the wake of the current nuclear standoff.

It goes to show how well diplomacy is going to play out if Russia continues to block efforts to sanction Iran.

Gateway Pundit: Busted! Cindy Sheehan's Story Hits a Snag!

After reading this, it's obvious that Cindy Sheehan is one of the most despicable human beings I've ever read about.

To use her deceased son as not only political ammo, but false political ammo is disgusting. The MSM should call her out on this, but I expect that we have to rely on the blogosphere to do it instead.

From Gateway Pundit.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Protesters call anti-bullying bill `vague,' say minorities aren't protected: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Political correctness run amuck.

Human rights sanctions blocked

This is why the U.N. is useless. Russia and China, both also hindering efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, are also stopping an attempt to punish Sudan for its genocidal activities in Darfur. They are, obstensibly, totalitarian governments, and they are permanent members of the UN Security Council.

What's even more telling is that Sudan is on the UN Human Rights Commission! Pathetic.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Going Nuclear

Given the current oil price instability and threats from Iran to destabilize the market, even the co-founder of Greenpeace is advocating nuclear energy.

I've long been an advocate of nuclear energy. We should be looking for every opportunity to insulate ourselves and our economy from oil, and nuclear energy is the only singularly reliable energy source. I just hope our lefty hypocrites don't pull a NIMBY.

Descent into anger and despair - The Boston Globe

I don't know about you, but I'm a pretty happy guy. You wouldn't know it though, because James Carroll thinks that I and everyone else is angry and in despair.

James is a sad, sad man. It's amazing that guys like him get to write for major newspapers.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

The Left, Online and Outraged

Ah, those liberal moonbats.