Thursday, May 18, 2006

Pot, Kettle. Kettle, Pot

God, I despise Ted Kennedy.

B...b...but, I'm John Murtha!

Looks like John Murtha can say anything to impugn the reputation of the Armed Services.

He can accuse Marines of killing innocent civilians "in cold blood" after an IED attack in Haditha based off of a Time report. Why? Because he's served, of course! He can pretty much double the number of people Marines are accused of killing, out-of-hand. Why? Because he's served, of course! He can pass judgment on them before the investigation is over. Why? Because he's served, of course!

John Murtha is a complete embarrassment. It's pathetic how much a publicity hound this guy is. I wouldn't mind saying it to his face.

Save Nazanin

Read here about an Iranian girl who is sentenced to death in Iran for protecting herself and her niece from rapists.

Help save Nazanin.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The easy target

So, when will Mark Morford, the courageous soul who enjoys mocking some Christians' desire for abstinence until marriage, write an article about Muslim sexual proclivities?

Monday, May 15, 2006

Ya think?

Do you think that the answer to the question posed by this poster is a little presupposed?

Too tired to post

Long day at work, and now I'm too tired to post about the immigration speech President Bush gave tonight.

On the whole, though...decent.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day, Mom

I love you. Whereever you are, I miss you.