Friday, February 02, 2007

BREITBART.COM - Muslim chief slams 'police state' Britain, like Nazi Germany

Oh, I don't know about the wisdom of comparing Muslims in Britain to Jews in Nazi Germany.

It's not like the Jews ran around threatening Germans by saying "Behead those Germans who insult Judaism!"


LA Weekly - Long Beach Hate-Crime Verdict

Huh. I never knew it was possible to be racist and black.

I guess you learn something new every day.

France Tells U.S. to Sign Climate Pacts or Face Tax - New York Times

Go jump in a lake, you cheese-eating surrender monkeys. You're full of it.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Eiffel Tower goes dark during protest - Yahoo! News

If the Frenchies love the environment so much, why don't they turn the Eiffel Tower lights off for good, instead of just five minutes?

Oh, because maybe they're damned hypocrites, loving the environment, but wasting electricity on a useless, overgrown antenna.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

If a Republican had said that...

Oh, the double standard.

The lack of black outrage over Biden's comments goes to show that 'civil-rights leaders' like Sharpton and Jackson are nothing more than a bunch of race-baiters.

Obama: Liberals grounded in reason

Well, he's lost my vote.

As the article says
“How you come across is more important than how you vote,” Cook said. “If voters perceive you as moderate, then your voting record isn’t terribly relevant. Perception is more important than reality.”

Just like Deval Patrick. Methinks it's the new (old) strategy for the Dems: Just sound nice, politics be damned!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rudy for President

Read the whole thing.

I can't think of a Republican or Democrat that can top him.

Paris Hilton nude? No way!

As if her body already isn't in the public domain, Paris Hilton is suing to shut down a website that obtained some lewd images and videos of her.

God, when will the fascination with her end???

Here comes the hysteria

We're doomed. Doomed!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wisdom through suffering

Or not.

Darwin at work. Or maybe Dr. Katme wants good little Muslim children to be martyred as walking biological weapons.


Clinton: U.S. out of Iraq by January '09 - Yahoo! News

Because conflict should have a term limit.

Already she's losing points in my book.

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Clinton: U.S. out of Iraq by January '09 - Yahoo! News

Because conflict should have a term limit.

Already she's losing points in my book.