Steven who?
So you'll say you'll quit your position at BC as an adjunct professor for 'creative writing' at BC because Condeleezza Rice is this year's commencement speaker, eh, Steve?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
So you'll say you'll quit your position at BC as an adjunct professor for 'creative writing' at BC because Condeleezza Rice is this year's commencement speaker, eh, Steve?
Who knew that the DNC's official position was that marriage was only between a man and a woman?
Isn't USA TODAY talking about Echelon?
Tom Hanks, star of the upcoming film, The Da Vinci Code, struck back against calls from the Catholic Church to boycott the film for its purported attack against Catholicism.
But Oscar-winner Hanks said objectors to The Da Vinci Code are taking the film too seriously, telling the Evening Standard: "We always knew there would be a segment of society that would not want this movie to be shown.
"But the story we tell is loaded with all sorts of hooey and fun kind of scavenger-hunt-type nonsense.
"If you are going to take any sort of movie at face value, particularly a huge-budget motion picture like this, you'd be making a very big mistake.
"It's a damn good story and a lot of fun... all it is is dialogue. That never hurts."
Amato described the novel as "stridently anti-Christian" and called for believers to "reject the lies and gratuitous defamation" in the book.
He added: "If such lies and errors had been directed at the Koran and Holocaust they would have justly provoked a world uprising.
"Instead, if they are directed against the church and Christians, they remain unpunished. I hope you will boycott the film."
I thought that Andrew Sullivan's recent post conflating Tennessee cops accused of torture and the Bush Administration as his dumbest post ever. However, his post today connecting Texas incarceration rates with the Bush Administration's detention policy is probably in the running, as well.
The List has a number of weaknesses. Figures are
not available for eleven countries and the information
does not relate to the same date. Comparability is
further compromised by different practice in different
countries, for example with regard to whether all pretrial
detainees and juveniles are held under the authority
of the prison administration, and also whether the
prison administration is responsible for psychiatrically ill
offenders and offenders being detained for treatment for
alcoholism and drug addiction. People held in custody
are usually omitted from national totals if they are not
under the authority of the prison administration.
Looks like there will be protests when John McCain gives a commencement speech at New School, in Manhattan.
“John McCain is a conservative politician who supports South Dakota’s ban on abortion, and he’s avidly pro-Iraq War,” said Gregory Tewksbury, a part time faculty member at the New School. “People feel like [the invitation to McCain] made commencement into a political platform.”
And now the Catholic Church is getting in on the act of trying to silence speech by calling for lawsuits and legal action against The Da Vinci Code and others that would 'insult' Catholicism.