Saturday, November 11, 2006

Borat strikes!

This lawsuit by two South Carolina 'frat boys' against Borat is too funny. They claim that they were plied with alcohol before being induced to make racist remarks on film.

One plaintiff claims he lost a job at a "major corporation" and another a "prestigious internship".

Too funny.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Trenchant commentary about the moonbat left from Jim Treacher via Instapundit.

UNIFIL takes action

French soldiers participating in peacekeeping missions in Lebanon with UNIFIL took a brave stance against the hostile actions of...Israel???

It could only be the pathetic and anti-Israeli French who would truly believe that Israel's fighter planes would attack them.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Joe-mentum is back!

The criticality of Joe Lieberman is now too apparent to the Democrats that betrayed him.

It's funny cause it's true

Ace notices that the MSM is saying that the economy is somehow now awesome thanks to the Democrats.

It's over

Between Bit-Bit and K-Fed, that is. Check out the footage of K-Fed being informed of the impending divorce over SMS.

Comedy gold.

Rumsfeld to step down

Somewhere in America, Andrew Sullivan is cheering.

And so are many, many others. I don't know how history will regard Donald Rumsfeld, but, in the near future at least, it won't be kind.

The day after

So it's the day after the election and Pajamas Media has a roundup.

All in all, even if the Republicans lose control of the Senate, all we get is a lame-duck President...not that he wasn't a lame duck anyway. There won't be any impeachment hearings and I expect Iraq to be Iraq. We won't be withdrawing any time soon, though perhaps Congress will be more vocal with their expected changes, as the Democrats will have the power of the purse.

What I hope is that the more moderate Democrats will hold sway, not the lefty nutjobs, a la Howard Dean. What I also hope is that this will serve as a wake-up call to all the spend-and-don't-tax Republicans to actually try to hearken back to 1994.