Schumer to fight new Bush high court picks - Carrie Budoff -
Words to remember, Chuckie, when there's a Democrat in office, you pathetic scumbag.
Thanks for bringing about another new low in politics.
"Your guilty conscience may force you to vote Democratic, but deep down inside you secretly long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king." - Sideshow Bob
Words to remember, Chuckie, when there's a Democrat in office, you pathetic scumbag.
Wow, although there is new information that puts in doubt again the storyline behind Pat Tillman's death, the wackos on the left are now saying that BushCo was responsible.
My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
I had a weird, frightening dream last night.
I call shenanigans.
This sort of stuff happens all the time at Logan Airport.
When was the last time Barack Obama had to catch a cab in Manhattan?
When was the last time Barack Obama had to catch a cab in Manhattan?