Thursday, June 15, 2006

On the balance

On the balance of things, doesn't the explanation of Sgt. Frank Wuterich regarding the incident at Haditha sound more likely than Marines lining people up and executing them?

Just saying.

The fact that Sgt. Wuterich's lawyer might call Rep. John Murtha as a witness is hilarious:
"But since Congressman Murtha has already judged these guys in public and folks have alleged a Marine Corp cover-up, I'm afraid that the Marine Corps will feel compelled to put these guys on trial to prove the Marine Corps hasn't done anything wrong in terms of a cover-up."

So true. Without a clear picture of what happened that day, the accused Marines are innocent.

Is this happening at Logan Airport?

Hmmm...I'll bet dollars to donuts that there are illegal immigrants working at Logan Airport.

Read it all

Michelle Malkin's post about Cpl. Belile's "Hadji Girl" song is a must read.

What's my take? Yes, it was infantile and ill-advised, but the MSM completely, and, I think, willfully misread Cpl. Belile's lyrics to make the song fit the story: that the U.S. military are a bunch of racist savages.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Another MSM blunder

Read LGF's post regarding another egregious MSM blunder once again slandering our Marines.

Rep. Ray La Hood is an embarrassment

The so-called Republican, Rep. Ray La Hood (R-Ill.) is an embarrassment to the Republican party:
Appropriations members have already vowed to fight any move to strip spending from the bill. “I’m not going to take their crap,” Rep. Ray LaHood (R-Ill.) said last week. The Illinois appropriator said he included several projects for his district and would fight to keep them all.

“They think they’ve gotten a little steam building, and we’re going to have to shoot them down,” LaHood said. He ripped RSC members this year on the House floor for successfully stripping $507 million in construction projects from a military spending bill.


From Ed Morrissey.


My girlfriend brought me to the best diner ever last weekend.

Their complimentary cheese and cinnamon breads were awesome.


It's funny 'cause it's true.

Patrick Kennedy pleads to DUI

It's about time.

Now I wonder what the punishment will be?

All things being equal

When all other things are equal, I'd trust the word of the Israeli government way before the Palestinian 'government'.

Jack the Cat Chases Black Bear Up Tree

The picture of Jack looking up at the bear is just classic.

Personal Responsibility

When the doctors start practicing what they preach, then I'll start listening.

It's called 'Personal Responsibility', people!

Uh huh. Right.

Man, if the Canadians can be accused of torture, civilization as we know it is lost.

Way to go, Geno's!

I have a feeling that the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations's complaint against Geno's for its display of a "This is America - when ordering, speak English" sign is going to fail.

Rachel Lawton, acting executive director of the PCHR:
The sign may violate the city's Fair Practices Ordinance, which bans businesses from discriminating on the basis of nationality or ethnicity, Lawton said.

"The complaint will say that the sign discourages patronage by non-English speakers because of their national origin and/or ancestry," Lawton, whose agency enforces the city's anti-discrimination laws, said before the official filing.

Hmmm...well, if the law is what she describes, her complaint will go down the tubes. Geno's isn't discriminating against any particular nationality or ethnicity. The restaurant would enforce the policy against any Russians, Mexicans, Americans, whites, blacks, or Asians who cannot speak English. Joey Vento, owner of Geno's, would be wise to stress that.

Monday, June 12, 2006


I agree with this post by Glenn Reynolds.

Opposed to, say, some who have already presumed guilt.