You'd think that in this time of suffering in southeast Asia, that the western world would be coming together to provide humanitarian aid without backbiting and discord. However, with the French, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Greg Djerejian notes what the French paper Le Monde has to say about
American assistance in Indonesia.
It's really amazing stuff. Basically, what we have here is America taking the lead (once again) in humanitarian assistance in southeast Asia. We supply by far the most equipment in the area, from hospital ships to helicopters to C-130 transport planes. Here's a
brief summary of what's in the area.
Here's what a Dutch diplomat has to say
about the situation.
It's clear that the U.S. doesn't just talk, but do, unlike Canada, who's stuck at home
because they don't have the transport capacity to send aid until someone else actually takes them there, or the U.N., who sends
coordinator after coordinator, but very little in relief.
It's also clear that world resentment comes from jealousy of our world position as the most powerful and most humane country in the world, and envy of our resources and moral character.