Saturday, July 16, 2005

Who broke the truce again?

In another anti-Israeli WaPo article, Scott Wilson writes that Israel breaks a 5-month truce by attacking Hamas elements that had fired more than 100 mortar shells into Israel in previous days.

It could be just me, but Palestinians firing 100 mortar shells into Israel sounds like breaking the truce to me.

Well, come to think of it

It wouldn't have made much sense to continue with an investigation for so long if Valerie Plame weren't a covert operative, I guess.

This is a pretty weird investigation.

Coach orders mob hit on baseball player

I can't believe that American youth sports has stooped so low. A T-ball coach in Pennsylvania allegedly paid a player $25 to bean a mentally-challenged teammate in order to keep him from playing.

If true, that coach is most deserving of being strung up by his testicles.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Plame not a clandestine officer?

On Wolf Blitzer yesterday, infamous Joe Wilson said on TV that his wife was not a clandestine officer when Bob Novak's article was written! When asked whether he believed that Karl Rove committed a crime, Wilson sidesteps by pinning that belief on the CIA's decision to send the matter to the Justice department.

Maybe I'm missing something, but doesn't that mean that Karl Rove did nothing wrong, then, in mentioning the background of the Wilson trip to Matt Cooper?

Also in USA Today, there's an article emphasizing that an agent is only covert if (s)he's been out of the country on a long term assignment during the last 5 years. It also mentions that even Joe Wilson's book, The Politics of Truth, makes no mention of Plame being out of the country after 1997.

Somewhere, someplace, I'm thinking that Karl Rove is laughing his head off. Somewhere, someplace, MoveOn and its liberal supporters are getting egg on their faces.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Even conservatives can be stupid

Sometimes the writers of Power Line can be really stupid. Just take this article by Paul Mirengoff in which he says that the idea that moral relativism was at the heart of the Catholic Church sex scandals was plausible.

The Catholic Church is exactly the opposite of "moral relativism". I mean, any religion that insists that its holy leaders must be all male and forbids them marriage and sex because of "morals" is only asking for homosexuals and pedophiles to join their ranks.

Mirengoff then goes on to say that "Kennedy's rhetoric is overblown" when it clearly isn't. Santorum claimed that "Boston...lies at the center of the storm." I don't know about you, but when you say something is at the center of the storm, you're effectively laying blame at its feet.

Maybe it was a slow news day, but I think that Mirengoff wrote his post just to get something out there.

Enron Board in Houston Gets Hefty Pay Raise

The board members, who raised their pay by twice to 5 times as much claim the reason was because the jobs took up more time than expected.

Who would have thought that sucking can be so much work?

Chinese general goes nuts

A Chinese general has threatened the U.S. with nuclear attack if Washington interferes with Chinese military action against Taiwan. General Zhu claimed that China was ready "for the destruction of all the cities east of Xian".

Let's be clear. The Chinese should be ready to be wiped off the face of the earth. We don't have an arsenal capable of destroying the world five times over for nothing. The Chinese are unwise playing this game of brinksmanship. They would certainly lose.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Harry Potter, Satan

Pope Benedict is now trying to take on Harry Potter, devilish Harry Potter. Benedict called the books "subtle seductions", and that they "corrupt the Christian faith in souls".

Next, I do believe they'll bring back the Inquisition.

Molly Ivins's typical lefty schadenfreude

It's typical of the left to suffer from schadenfreude these days. Take for example, Molly Ivins's palpable glee at reporting that the number of Iraqi civilian deaths during the occupation of Iraq exceeded those during Saddam's rule. Too bad that she was colossaly incorrect and had to issue an embarrassing retraction.

However, the point is that Molly Ivins's behavior is typical lefty behavior. No matter how much she may disagree with Bush about policy, to say that she was "keeping an eye on civilian deaths...waiting for the most conservative estimates to creep over 20,000" is disgusting to say the least.

It's not about Iraq

Lefties can blame terror attacks on Iraq or Afghanistan all they want, but Mohammed Bouyeri, killer of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, shows that Islamists need no such excuse to kill.

Let's be clear, all the excuse Islamists need to slaughter you is any sort of "affront" to their religion. These guys cannot be reasoned with. They need to be stamped out, not provided excuses to "justify" their actions.

Monday, July 11, 2005

BBC edits out the word terrorist

Apparently, the BBC doesn't think that the people who murdered at least 49 people in the London attacks terrorists.

It's really pathetic that they won't even call the murderers of their own countrymen exactly what they are. The BBC is an organization composed of traitors to their own nation.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

According to Drudge, MoveOn hosted a party based in Virginia. In an email to potential partygoers, the host, Charles Fazio, warned them to not "come across as leftist, liberal activists" and to "put away our 'Bush is a Liar' t-shirts". Right, like anyone's going to believe that they're "mainstream". The email also states that MoveOn doesn't want to "accept an extremist nominee".

This from people who thought that Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a really good idea?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

England waking up to its Islamist problem

I'm hopeful that England is finally waking up to the fact that it's a haven for Islamists. But is it too late for England? I'm afraid to think that it is. There is nothing that the British can do to stop this insanity. Even if it were to withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, the Islamist hatred would still be there. The problem isn't Britain or its policies. It's the Muslims, who have a persecution complex that needs to be fixed, and that begins in the Middle East. If Christians and Jews were to view every hostile action against them by Muslims as an attack against their faiths, you'd better believe that Muslims and Islam itself would suddenly become very short-lived. Fortunately for all, that's not the case.