Thursday, March 03, 2005

Giving rap a bad name

It's guys like that give rap a bad name. Maybe it's "cool" to act like a thug, but, by and large, if you act like a thug, you'll be nothing more than a thug for the rest of your life. It's sad how many minorities (and even whites) who idolize people like 50 Cent act like this, but hey, if they think that's the best way to get ahead in life, by all means, keep on doing it. I need better service in McDonald's, anyway.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

If a Democrat says it

You know that calling Republicans Nazis won't hold the media's attention for too long.

This from a man who used to be in the KKK and called certain people "white niggers" recently. But of course, no one on the left is calling for his head.

Good Lord

Getting mad over heteronormative comments just takes the cake. Pinkett Smith clearly did not intend to insult anyone. To get all bent out of shape over this baloney only hurts the cause. Like I've said before, no one like whiners.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


I don't f**king believe it. The New York Times supporting the Bush doctrine? Has the world turned upside down?

Vermont peaceniks

Read the part where a woman claims that people joined the National Guard to fight floods. In what fantasy world do these peaceniks live? People join the Guard knowing that they might be called upon to fight. Let's not make excuses.


Man, are Europeans lazy or what? That's the problem with the Euros. They look to the government to solve all their problems, take care of them, wipe their rears after they go to the bathroom. They don't ever look to themselves, which is why "old Europe" is getting more and more irrelevant.

But don't let it be said that I'm a die-hard, either

The proposal to extend indecency penalties to cable television to from Republican Senator Ted Stevens is an attack on free expression.

Just be a damn parent and use the V-chip for goodness sake.

So now we're evil?

No screams this past weekend, but now, apparently, Republicans are evil...according to Dean.

Does Dean actually know the meaning of evil? Saddam Hussein is evil. Letting Iraqis suffer under his rule is evil. Looking the other way in the Sudan is evil. Tolerating and "understanding" terrorists is evil. What party wants to change all that? The Republican party.

Monday, February 28, 2005

A gross intrusion of privacy

From anti-abortion nutjobs.

To all the peaceniks

Behold the power of freedom and democracy.

We can do it. We should do it.

Freedom for me, but not for thee, eh? Is that truly what the peace-loving lefties want?

What a weekend

Any weekend where I go out to a bar on Friday and off to a party on Saturday is a great weekend to me! It's been awhile, man.