Friday, December 23, 2005

The Motorola A1200

Just take a look at this phone by Motorola. Delish. Now, it's locked in a battle for my heart with the Nokia N80.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Home for the Holidays

So I'm off for Jersey (represent!) for Christmas. I'm looking forward to seeing my girl and slightly dreading the time I'll be spending with my family. It's never a peaceful trip.

Not great news from Iraq

Omar from Iraq the Model has troubling news regarding the recent parliamentary elections in Iraq. It's looking like a big win for the Islamists at the polls (vote-rigging is a good possibility here):
Right now we're in facing a big crisis that leaves us before two possibilities; either the Sunni agree to be part of the government and we get a parliament with 200 Islamist members (Sunni and She'at) in the face of 75 secular members, 50 of them are Kurds who won't care much about this parliament or the rest of the country since they have their own parliament and government in Kurdistan (which is going to include Kirkuk in the near future of course).

Those 200 Islamists will just have to diminish the 25 liberal members and that's not going to be difficult at all in four years, I mean one year was enough for the Islamists to burn offices, assassinate and intimidate the liberals and seculars.

The second possibility isn't brighter than the first, probably the rival parties will enter another conflict in which words will not be the only weapon, we will also hear the democracy of mortars and RPGs speak loudly.

And of course the "elected" government will soon ask the 'occupiers' nicely-and maybe violently-to leave Iraq as their mission is over and the government is now capable of controlling the people without needing intelligence, air or armor support from the 'occupiers' the new government will be able to exterminate and punish all sorts of outlaws.

As I said, not good.

Mayor's 'Thuggish' Comment Rankles Some

You know it had to happen: the race card has been has been put into play by black leaders regarding Mayor Bloomberg's remarks calling the TWU heads as "thuggish".
A group of City Council members and black leaders said Wednesday that Bloomberg's comment was racist because it was directed at leaders of a union that is less than 30 percent white.

"We resent the idea that you would characterize a predominantly black and Latino union as a bunch of thugs," said City Councilman Charles Barron.
Amazing. You think that the TWU and its supporters couldn't get any more boneheaded and then someone throws in the race card. The mayor's spokesman, Ed Skyler, puts it succinctly, saying "it's despicable to inject race into this situation."

Like I've said before, every time minorities irresponsibly play the race card, they lose credibility and respect from everyone else.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Santa Satan

Good Lord, Pope Benedict is Santa Satan. If I were I child, I'd be running away screaming if I had to sit in his lap. Seriously, he looks like he's the star of a twisted Santa Claus horror movie.

The new technology at the root of the NSA wiretap scandal

Read about the probable way the current wiretap program is supposed to work.

Funny how it has its roots under the Clinton administration.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

L.A. Observed: Anatomy of a left-wing cause

Read this if a liberal ever tells you that the MSM isn't biased to the left.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster dealt a defeat

It seems proponents of the Flying Spaghetti Monster have been dealt a blow as a U.S. District judge ruled that teaching 'intelligent design' violates the separation of church and state. Judge John Jones wrote about the recent decision by the Dover Area School District's decision to require teachers to mention 'intelligent design':
To be sure, Darwin's theory of evolution is imperfect. However, the fact that a scientific theory cannot yet render an explanation on every point should not be used as a pretext to thrust an untestable alternative hypothesis grounded in religion into the science classroom or to misrepresent well-established scientific propositions

He also said of the the proponents of FSM:
It is ironic that several of these individuals, who so staunchly and proudly touted their religious convictions in public, would time and again lie to cover their tracks and disguise the real purpose

Truer words have not been said.

TWU 100 to be fined $1 million a day for strike

Good news for the people of NYC as a state court found TWU Local 100, the transit workers, to be in contempt of court and will be $1 million a day for as long as the strike continues. In New York state, public sector workers are prohibited from going on strike.

That's fantastic news. The TWU is composed of uneducated monkeys that move trains around, a skill (and I use that term lightly) any simian could acquire in a day. They don't have to put a dime into their pension, can retire with full benefits at 55, and get free health benefits. And don't get me started with the chimps here in Boston. Beyond that, the city is fining every striking worker three days pay for every day s/he's on strike.

Break 'em, Bloomberg. They deserve it.


Read this to see just how outrageous the TWU transit strike is.


It took the NYT awhile to get past its liberal, union-friendly roots to admit that the TWU made no attempt to compromise in its negotiations with the MTA.

Pakistanis viewing America more favorably

In the WSJ yesterday, an editorial cites an ACNielsen poll that the Pakistani public opinion towards America has significantly improved in the wake of the earthquake disaster where America pledged $510 million in relief and her military is rescuing victims in mountainous villages.

We should keep it up. Ours is both a military and PR war that we must win.

Schwarzenegger to Hometown: Remove My Name

Oh, snap!

Take that, Graz. Go Arnie!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Analysis: Bush Drops Rosy Iraq Scenarios

Wow. Partisan, much?