Friday, December 22, 2006

Invoking Godwin

I do believe that the Hispanic "immigrants' rights" groups have just Godwinned themselves out of the debate on the treatment of illegals.

Pathetic. When we start gassing illegals, only then could a comparison between the U.S. government and the Nazis be fair.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

A step in the right direction

The U.S. gives Sudan a deadline of the end of the year to accept U.N. forces into Sudan for peacekeeping missions.

Finally, someone seems to have stepped up to the plate to stop the Darfur conflict.

Doing the jobs that Americans won't do?

Tell that to these folks.

Guess we can just throw away that tired canard.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Is American society ending???

I think so.


Not blogging much recently

But Michelle Malkin is. She's on a tear today about a fake Iraqi source for the AP and a year-long retrospective of radical Islam and, finally, Laura Bush Derangement Syndrome.

Read it all.