Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Dems prepare for Supreme Alito fight

The battle lines are already drawn for a huge fight for the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.

The general consensus is that Alito is eminently qualified to be a Justice, significantly moreso than Harriet Miers. His peers, even liberal ones, heap praise upon him. So what's the brouhaha among the Dems in Congress?

He's conservative. He's an originalist. He's been compared to Justice Scalia. He's been nominated by Bush, the Great Satan. All of which have no bearing on whether he's qualified to be on the Supreme Court. The Dems want someone who, as Sen. Chuck Schumer puts it, is "in the mold of Sandra Day O'Connor, who would unify us." Or to put it in real-speak, a person who's pro-Roe, who's pro-quotas, etc. You know, a liberal.

The Dems are saying this now, but when they have the opportunity to choose their own Justice, will they choose one that happens to be anti-Roe to "unify us"? I think not. Just look at Ruth Bader Ginsburg: she was confirmed 96-3.


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