Monday, May 01, 2006

U.S. economy gets lift from immigrants, though some hurt - May. 1, 2006

From CNN, an article making the case for not tossing out illegal immigrants.

It's funny. Even though the article is addressing the benefits of having illegal immigrants in the workforce, it does nothing to address if those same illegals were to become legal immigrants (as the illegals want), protected under workforce labor laws, etc. So, unintentionally, the article is calling for illegal immigrants to stay illegal so they can be paid 'slave' wages...all to benefit our legal U.S. citizens. Brilliant.

Also, they make another tangential slip: the article also supports not raising the minimum wage. The money quote:
Some economists say that if immigrant workers weren't present, rather than native-born workers getting better wages to do the same jobs, many jobs done by immigrants might not get done at all.

If immigration reform pushed wages higher for lower-skilled workers that would probably stop many average Americans from hiring household help they can now afford. The same is true for some manufacturers and service sector employers as well.

"The average wage of the low-income American would be higher. But some of those jobs wouldn't get done at all and output would be lower," said David Wyss, chief economist for Standard & Poor's if immigration reform reduces the low-wage labor pool.

Game. Set. Match. Liberals talk themselves into supporting slave wages for illegal immigrants and not increasing the minimum wage.


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