Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Was 'U' instructor's speech free - or racist?

Apparently, calling someone a 'wetback' is OK as long as the target is white.

That's what Susana De Leon, a University of Minnesota instructor, did at a protest on illegal immigration rights. From the article:
"Yes, people from Europe are wet backs man... their backs so wet because they had to cross an ocean to get here,” De Leon said at the rally.

She also says that "it is not possible for minorities to be racist against white people."

Vivian Jenkins Nelson, a diversity expert from the Inter-race Institute and author of the ‘Diversity Dictionary’, would not condemn De Leon’s language, but did say it was not helpful.

"There are much bigger conversations that need our attention and effort than name calling at a rally somewhere,” Jenkins Nelson said.

Is that so? I wonder if Jenkins Nelson and De Leon would call me racist if I, an Asian, called Mexican illegals 'wetbacks'? What an interesting question! Is it possible for a minority to be racist against another minority?

Things that make you go 'Hmmmm'.


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