Monday, April 17, 2006

Going Nuclear

Given the current oil price instability and threats from Iran to destabilize the market, even the co-founder of Greenpeace is advocating nuclear energy.

I've long been an advocate of nuclear energy. We should be looking for every opportunity to insulate ourselves and our economy from oil, and nuclear energy is the only singularly reliable energy source. I just hope our lefty hypocrites don't pull a NIMBY.


At 6:19 PM, Blogger James Aach said...

FYI: Stewart Brand, the founder of The Whole Earth Catalog mentioned in the linked article above, has also endorsed a thriller novel of nuclear power by a longtime industry insider (me). This story serves as a lay person's guide to the good and the bad of this power source. (There's plenty of both). The book is available at no cost to readers at - and they seem to like it, judging from their comments on the homepage.


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