Monday, December 12, 2005

A low-down, dirty shame

Joe Lieberman is being attacked by his own party for his support of the war effort in Iraq: a position he has held since Persian Gulf War in 1991. It's so sad to see the Democrats reduced to becoming a pack of wild animals will to tear each other down because of insane Bush-hatred. Though I've disagreed with Lieberman's positions on morality in our media, he's always been a stand-up principled senator and one of the few Democrats I'd consider voting for President. The money quote that frames his troubles:
"Senator Lieberman is past the point of being taken seriously in the caucus because everything he does is seen as advancing his own self-interest, instead of the Democratic interest," said a senior Senate Democratic aide, who described discontent in that chamber as "widespread."

And what is the Democratic interest these days? To oppose everything that George Bush stands for and to destroy anyone, even their own, to do it.


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